
Uitgebreide vertaling voor faults (Engels) in het Spaans


faults [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the faults (defects; deficiencies; problems; troubles; hitches)
    la incomodidades; la deficiencias; la imperfecciónes; el males; el problemas; el defectos; la dificultades

Vertaal Matrix voor faults:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
defectos defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles defects; erroneousness; errors; flaws; handicaps; inaccuracy; lapses; shortcomings; slips
deficiencias defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles defects; flaws; handicaps; shortcomings
dificultades defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles annoyance; argy-bargy; calamity; catastrophe; chagrin; commotion; difficulty; disaster; discomforts; fuss; hubble-bubble; misery; problems; squabbling; stir; troubles; vexation
imperfecciónes defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles defects; flaws; shortcomings
incomodidades defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles chicanery; fuss; hassle; trouble making
males defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles discomfort; problems; troubles
problemas defects; deficiencies; faults; hitches; problems; troubles adventures; annoyance; argy-bargy; chagrin; chicanery; commotion; defects; difficulty; discomfort; discomforts; drudgery; fight; flaws; fuss; game of rough-and-tumble; harping on; hassle; hotchpotch; hubble-bubble; jumble; medley; miseries; misery; misfortune; mishmash; moaning; nagging; perils; problems; romp; romping; shortcomings; sorrow; squabbling; squalor; stir; toiling; trouble; trouble making; troubles; troubling; vexation; worry; worrying

Verwante woorden van "faults":


fault [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the fault (error; mistake; incorrectness; )
    – a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention 1
    la falta; la equivocación; el error; el fallo; el patinazo; la metedura de pata; la pifia
  2. the fault (error; incorrectness; flaw; defect)
    la falta; la equivocación; el error; el desacierto; el fallo; el chivo; el defecto; el fracaso
    • falta [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • equivocación [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • error [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • desacierto [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fallo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • chivo [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • defecto [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • fracaso [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the fault (imperfection; flaw; defect)
    la deficiencia; el defecto; la imperfección
  4. the fault (immorality; sin; vice)
    el fresco; el vicio; el chinche
    • fresco [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • vicio [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • chinche [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the fault (reprimand; reproach; blame)
    el reproche; la reprimenda; la recriminación; la amonestación; la reprobación
  6. the fault (blame; reproach)
    la culpa; la mancha; el reproche; la deshonra
    • culpa [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mancha [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • reproche [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • deshonra [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the fault (scream; howler; oversight; )
    el patinazo; el fallo; la falta; la equivocación; el error; la metedura de pata; la pifia
  8. the fault
    – A physical defect, such as a loose connection, that prevents a system or device from operating as it should. 2
  9. the fault
    – A programming error that can cause the software to fail. 2

Vertaal Matrix voor fault:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
amonestación blame; fault; reprimand; reproach admonition; warning
chinche fault; immorality; sin; vice bastard; bedbug; bully; cad; chinch; monstrosity; nuisance; ogre; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; teaser; tormentor; ugly fellow; villain
chivo defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness billy; billy goat; buck; faucet; male goat; stag; tap
culpa blame; fault; reproach debt
defecto defect; error; fault; flaw; imperfection; incorrectness disability; failure; flaw; gap; handicap; impediment; machine defect; shortage
deficiencia defect; fault; flaw; imperfection blank; deficiency; deficit; disability; failure; faultiness; flaw; gap; handicap; hiatus; impediment; imperfection; inadequacy; insufficiency; lack; lacuna; losing score; minus point; physical defect; point lost; poorness; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; void; want
desacierto defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness defeat; failure; fall-through; fiasco; flop; let down
deshonra blame; fault; reproach cut; degradation; disgrace; disgracement; dishonering; ignominy; infamy; mark of infamy; salary cut; scandal; shame; stain; stigma
equivocación blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; error; failure; miscalculation; miss; mistake; slip; slip of the tongue
error blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; breakdown in communications; bug; error; failure; miscalculation; miss; mistake
fallo blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; defeat; enunciation; error; failure; fall-through; fiasco; flop; imperfection; judgement; let down; miscalculation; miss; mistake; pronunciation; sentence; shortage; shortcoming; verdict; verdict of guilty
falta blunder; defect; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder; crime; criminal offence; deficiency; deficit; delict; failure; flaw; gap; infraction; iniquity; injustice; insufficiency; lack; misbehavior; misbehaviour; misdemeanor; misdemeanour; offence; offense; shortage; shortcoming; shortfall; transgression; violation; wrong
fracaso defect; error; fault; flaw; incorrectness blooper; blunder; breaking down; caving in; collapse; collapsing; coming to a standstill; crack; defeat; dejection; depression; enormity; failing; failure; fall-through; fiasco; flop; kink; let down; loser; malaise; misfit; miss; reaching a deadlock; recession; slump
fresco fault; immorality; sin; vice chilliness; cold; coldness; cool; coolness; fresco
imperfección defect; fault; flaw; imperfection deficiency; failure; faultiness; imperfection; inadequacy; iniquity; injustice; minor flaw; poorness; shortcoming; wrong
mancha blame; fault; reproach bang; blob; blot; blow; clot; dab; dirt-mark; dollop; hamlet; lump; mop; slap; slush; spatter; speck; splash; spot; stain; swab
metedura de pata blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blooper; blunder; enormity; failure; miss
patinazo blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blooper; blunder; enormity; failure; miss
pifia blunder; error; failing; fault; flaw; gas; hoot; howler; incorrectness; mistake; oversight; scream; slip blunder
recriminación blame; fault; reprimand; reproach counter-accusation; countercharge; counterclaim; recrimination
reprimenda blame; fault; reprimand; reproach dressing-down; fire-and-brimstone sermon; reprimand; rocket; scolding; telling-off
reprobación blame; fault; reprimand; reproach denunciation; lay down the law
reproche blame; fault; reprimand; reproach blame; complaint; reprimand; reproach; reproof
vicio fault; immorality; sin; vice bastard; cad; rascal; rogue; scoundrel; villain
- break; defect; demerit; error; faulting; flaw; fracture; geological fault; mistake; shift
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- blame
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
error fault
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- breakdown; flaw; hitch; offence; offense
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
chinche nasty; sly
fresco airy; arrogant; audacious; casual; chilli; chilly; clammy; cold; cold and damp; cool; cooled; cooling; coolly; early youth; freezing; fresh; freshly-baked; frosty; frozen; ill-mannered; impertinent; impudent; insolent; light-hearted; little fresh; new; overbearing; playful; presumptuous; sanguine; shameless; somewhat cold; tender age; unspoiled; untainted; youthfully immature

Verwante woorden van "fault":

Synoniemen voor "fault":

Antoniemen van "fault":

Verwante definities voor "fault":

  1. a wrong action attributable to bad judgment or ignorance or inattention1
    • I could understand his English in spite of his grammatical faults1
  2. (sports) a serve that is illegal (e.g., that lands outside the prescribed area)1
    • he served too many double faults1
  3. responsibility for a bad situation or event1
    • it was John's fault1
  4. the quality of being inadequate or falling short of perfection1
    • he knew his own faults much better than she did1
  5. (electronics) equipment failure attributable to some defect in a circuit (loose connection or insulation failure or short circuit etc.)1
    • it took much longer to find the fault than to fix it1
  6. (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other1
  7. an imperfection in an object or machine1
  8. put or pin the blame on1
  9. A physical defect, such as a loose connection, that prevents a system or device from operating as it should.2
  10. A programming error that can cause the software to fail.2

Wiktionary: fault

  1. tennis failed serve
  2. Blame; the responsibility for a mistake
  3. geological fracture through rock
  4. defect

Cross Translation:
fault culpa schuld — een verantwoordelijkheid die iemand wordt toegeschreven voor een laakbare gebeurtenis of toestand
fault defecto Defektfehlerhafte Stelle, Funktionsfehler
fault culpa Schuldkein Plural, Recht, Strafrecht: neben Tatbestandsmäßigkeit und Rechtswidrigkeit Strafbarkeitsvoraussetzung
fault equivocación; error; yerro erreurfaux opinion ; fausse doctrine.
fault apagón panneimpossibilité accidentelle et momentanée d'agir ou de fonctionner.
fault vicio vice — Défaut.