
Uitgebreide vertaling voor close by (Engels) in het Spaans

close by:

close by bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. close by (smooth; flat; level; )
    suave; astuto; equilibrado; horizontal; apagado; monótono; igual; fino; a bocajarro; tajantemente; a sotavento
  2. close by (near)
    en las proximidades de; cerca; escaso; cercano; cerca de; no lejano

close by bijwoord

  1. close by (nearby; close; near; close to)
    en las proximidades de; cerca; cerca de; cercano; junto a

Vertaal Matrix voor close by:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
cerca barricade; barrier; fence; fencing
igual same one
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
apagado bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar as from now; cheerless; demure; drab; drained; dreary; dull; exhausted; extinguished; fagged; faint; from; frosted; gloomy; grave; grey; hushed; in an undertone; joyless; languid; listless; mat; misty; muffled; of today; out; overtired; pale; sad; sedate; shutdown; sober; subdued; washed out
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
apagado shutdown
horizontal landscape; landscape orientation
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
a bocajarro bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar bluntly; flatly
a sotavento bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar banal; base; below the belt; coarse; gross; mean; nasty; pedestrian; rotten; shabby; trite; trivial; unmannerly; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid; vile; villainous; vulgar
astuto bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar astute; bright; canny; clever; crafty; cunning; empty; false; fresh; idle; ingenious; intelligent; low; mean; nasty; nimble; perky; plain; pointed; quick; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; unbroached; underhand; unopened; untouched; unused; vicious; vile; wily; wise
cerca close; close by; close to; near; nearby narrowly
cerca de close; close by; close to; near; nearby about; approximately; around; at the; close to; globular; roughly; round; something like
cercano close; close by; close to; near; nearby closed; dense; shut; tight
en las proximidades de close; close by; close to; near; nearby
equilibrado bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar balanced; equally; evenly; in control; plain; stable; steady
escaso close by; near faint; feeble; few; frail; indigent; meager; meagre; needy; pale; parched; pennyless; poor; puny; scarce; sick; skinny; small; thin; to a limited extent; to a small extent; uncommon; wan; weak
fino bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar acutely; dainty; delicate; elegant; fine; generous; graceful; handsome; jagged; keen-edged; lightly built; lovely; magnanimous; meager; meagre; nice; noble; personable; petite; pretty; puny; refined; sharp; skinny; slender; slight; slim; small-boned; smartly; snap; sophisticated; stylish; subtly; thin
horizontal bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar horizontal
igual bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; as; as much; as such; ditto; equally; equivalent; his equal; homogeneous; identical; in such a way; in the same way as; just as; like; likewise; plain; same; similar; such; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform
junto a close; close by; close to; near; nearby adjacent to it; alongside; at the; beside it; close to; next to it
monótono bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar boring; deadening; drab; dreary; dull
no lejano close by; near
suave bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar demure; grave; kneadable; malleable; mouldable; plain; plastic; pliable; sedate; smooth; sober; soft; succulent; tender; workable
tajantemente bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; even; flat; flatly; level; point blank; smooth; uniform; unwavering; vulgar bluntly; flatly

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