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backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
baloney; folly; humbug; mental illness; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
arrears; senility; slippage
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
babble; baloney; cackling; chatter; claptrap; follies; folly; foolish things; gabble; humbug; jabber; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle; yacking
carácter disparatado
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
babble; backbiting; blah; bunkum; cackling; chat; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; gabble; gossip; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; prattle; profanity; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; swindle; talk; talkee-talkee; talking; talks; tittle-tattle; tolling; vilification; wishwash; yacking
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
baloney; folly; humbug; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
deficiencia mental
backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
aberration; craziness; derangement; derangement of mind; idiocy; inanity; insanity; lunacy; madness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
foolishness; madness; mental illness
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
gibberish; nonsense
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
blunder; foolishness; frenzy; fury; madness; mental illness; rage
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
absurdity; blooper; blunder; deaf-muteness; dullness; enormity; feebleness; folly; foolishness; frailty; idiocy; inanity; incongruity; inconsiderateness; lunacy; madness; mental illness; naïvete; paradox; rashness; silliness; slackness; stupidity; thougtlessness; trivial; vapidity; weakness
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
baloney; folly; humbug; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
baloney; folly; humbug; idiocy; idiotism; inanity; lunacy; nonsense; piffle; tattle; twaddle
pertubación mental
backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
aberration; derangement of mind; insanity; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
babble; backbiting; blah; boyish prank; bunkum; cackling; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; gabble; gossip; jabber; jaw; mischief; monkey trick; mudslinging; practical joke; prank; prattle; scandal; scandal-mongering; slander; slipslop; talk; talkee-talkee; talks; tittle-tattle; tolling; vilification; wishwash; yacking
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
a piece of cake; bagatelle; banter; child's play; dullness; folly; foolishness; frenzy; fury; futility; idiocy; inconsiderateness; jerkin; madness; mental illness; nonsense; rage; rashness; rubbish; sheepishness; silliness; silly joke; small affair; small matter; small thing; something unimportant; staggers; stupidity; tattle; thougtlessness; trifle; vapidity
backwardness; preposterousness; retardation; rubbish
babble; backbiting; balderdash; baloney; banter; blah; bull; bunkum; burble; cackling; chatter; clanging; claptrap; defamation; drivel; empty talk; follies; folly; foolish things; gabble; gibberish; gossip; hot air; humbug; idiocy; jabber; jaw; mudslinging; nonsense; piffle; prattle; rot; rubbish; scandal; scandal-mongering; silliness; slander; slipslop; talk; talkee-talkee; talks; tattle; tittle-tattle; tolling; twaddle; unfunny joke; unfunny prank; vilification; waffle; wishwash; yacking
trastorno mental
backwardness; derangement of mind; feeble-mindedness; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance
aberration; derangement of mind; folly; foolishness; idiocy; insanity; lunacy; mental derangement; mental disorder; mental disturbance; mental illness
mental retardation; retardation; slowness; subnormality
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absurd; crazy; daft; dumb; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; impractible; insane; irrational; laughable; ludicrous; mad; mentally disturbed; mindless; mixed up; muzzy; not feasible; not sensible; odd; potty; preposterous; ridicule; ridiculous; senseless; silly; stupid; unrealistic; unwise; useless; weird