
Uitgebreide vertaling voor asses (Engels) in het Spaans


ass [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the ass (bottom; buttocks; bum; )
    la culo; la nalgas
    • culo [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • nalgas [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the ass (donkey)
    el burro; el asno; la cabeza de carnero; la burra; la cabeza de chorlito; el caballete
  3. the ass (mentally disabled; lunatic; loony; )
    el loco; el mequetrefe; el retardado; el subnormal; el deficiente mental; la idiota; el imbécil; el demente; el tonto

Vertaal Matrix voor ass:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
asno ass; donkey blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; fathead; hare; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numskull; silly thing; simpleton
burra ass; donkey donkey; female donkey
burro ass; donkey Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; fathead; hare; idiot; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numskull; nutcase; rattle-brain
caballete ass; donkey blooper; blunder; enormity; painter's easel; prop; rattle; shore; summmit; toy
cabeza de carnero ass; donkey
cabeza de chorlito ass; donkey muddlehead
culo arse; ass; backside; behind; bottom; bum; buttocks; fanny; rear; rump buttock
deficiente mental ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
demente ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain disturbed person; nut
idiota ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; buffoon; clown; coxcomb; dandy; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; fop; idiot; imbecile; jack pudding; jackanapes; merry Andrew; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; prig; rattle brain; rattle-brain; simpleton; stupid
imbécil ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; asshole; bastard; birdbrain; blockhead; dimwit; dolt; duffer; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; imbecile; jerk; moron; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; shithead; silly thing; simpleton; stupid
loco ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; crazy person; deranged maniac; disturbed person; fool; freak; idiot; imbecile; loony; lunatic; madcap; madman; madwoman; maniac; mental patient; mentally disturbed person; mentally ill person; nut; nutcase; rattle-brain; wacko; weirdo
mequetrefe ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; bungler; idiot; muddler; nutcase; rattle-brain; sad sack
nalgas arse; ass; backside; behind; bottom; bum; buttocks; fanny; rear; rump buttock
retardado ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; idiot; nutcase; rattle-brain
subnormal ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain
tonto ass; buffoon; clown; daft; fool; idiot; loony; lunatic; mad; madman; mentally disabled; nutcase; rattle-brain Simple Simon; birdbrain; blockhead; booby; boor; clodhopper; dimwit; dolt; duffer; duffers; dumbo; dunce; fat head; fathead; feather head; fool; idiot; kind soul; lamb; lambkin; lout; lubber; meathead; mopers; moron; nerd; nincompoop; ninny; nitwit; numbskull; numskull; nutcase; oaf; rattle brain; rattle-brain; silly man; silly thing; simple mind; simpleton; softy; stupid; yokel
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
burro backward; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; mentally deficient; odd; retarded; ridiculous; silly; stupid
demente crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; mad; odd; ridiculous; silly; stupid
idiota backward; cracked; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; lunatic; mad; mentally deficient; mentally ill; odd; retarded; ridiculous; silly; stupid
imbécil boring; deadening; dense; dull; empty-headed; obtuse; stupid
loco backward; bonkered; cracked; crackers; crazy; daft; foolish; funny; idiot; idiotic; insane; irrational; lunatic; mad; mentally deficient; mentally ill; mixed up; muzzy; nuts; odd; potty; retarded; ridiculous; round the bend; senseless; silly; stupid; unwise; weird
retardado backward; mentally retarded; simple; stupid
subnormal demented; feeble-minded; mentally retarded
tonto boring; crazy; daft; deadening; dense; dull; empty-headed; foolish; funny; idiotic; insane; irrational; lunatic; mad; mentally ill; mixed up; mutton-head; muzzy; naive; obtuse; odd; owlish; ridiculous; senseless; sheepish; silly; simple; simpleton; stupid; unwise; weird; wide-eyed

Verwante woorden van "ass":

  • asses

Synoniemen voor "ass":

Verwante definities voor "ass":

  1. hardy and sure-footed animal smaller and with longer ears than the horse1
  2. a pompous fool1

Wiktionary: ass

  1. buttocks
  2. vulgar slang:sex
  3. stupid person
  4. animal

Cross Translation:
ass trasero; culo kont — de billen, het achterwerk
ass burro; asno EselZugtier, Lasttier und Haustier, sowie zwei Wildtierarten, die zur Gattung der Pferde gehören
ass burro; estúpido EselSchimpfwort: unzulänglicher Mensch
ass culo; anca Arschumgangssprachlich, vulgär: für Hinterteil, Po, Gesäß
ass ano anus — anatomie|fr orifice du rectum par lequel se terminer l’intestin.
ass burro; asno baudet — (familier, fr) Nom vulgaire de l’âne ou de la mule.
ass culo cul — Le derrière, les fesses d’un humain
ass pollo poulet — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
ass burro; asno; jumento; pollino âne — Animal domestique
ass burro; asno âne — Personne stupide

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