
Uitgebreide vertaling voor applying (Engels) in het Spaans


applying [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the applying (registration; entry)
    la matrícula; la matriculación
  2. the applying (applying for something; requesting; asking for)
    el solicitar

Vertaal Matrix voor applying:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
matriculación applying; entry; registration enrollment; enrolment; recording; registration
matrícula applying; entry; registration engravement; fees; identification mark; identifying mark; inscription; lecture fee; licence number; licence plate; mark; number plate; registration; registration number; rubbing plate; rubbing strip; tuition fee
solicitar applying; applying for something; asking for; requesting
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
solicitar appeal; apply; apply for; apply to; ask; ask for; ask for information; attempt; beg; check; endeavor; endeavour; examine; file a petition; make enquiries; petition; plead; pray; pretest; query; request; require; say grace; strive; test; try; try out

Verwante woorden van "applying":

applying vorm van apply:

apply werkwoord

  1. apply
  2. apply (count; weigh)
  3. apply (utilize; implement; use; )
    utilizar; poner; hacer uso de; tomar en uso; aplicar; jugarse; invertir; apostar; administrar; insertar
  4. apply (make use of; utilize; employ; use; utilise)
    usar; aprovechar; utilizar; poner; tomar; comenzar; consumir; aplicar; emplear; gastar; iniciar; apostar; ejercer
  5. apply (use)
    usar; utilizar; aplicar; emplear
  6. apply (utilize; make use of; employ; )
    utilizar; usar; hacer uso de; aprovechar; aplicar; consumir; servirse de
  7. apply (administer; nurse)
  8. apply (enrol for; report oneself; register)
  9. apply (divert)
    rodear; desviar; cercar
  10. apply
    – To put into operation or to use. 1
  11. apply
    – To link one or more transactions to another transaction to either to reduce the outstanding balance of a transaction or to show a valid connection between the transactions. 1

Vertaal Matrix voor apply:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aplicar administring
apostar betting; breaking into a song; bursting into a song; gambling; striking up of a song
comenzar beginning; raising; starting; striking up
emplear employing; engaging; hiring
gastar tiring out; wearing out
iniciar beginning; broaching; starting
solicitar applying; applying for something; asking for; requesting
tomar having a grip; hold
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
administrar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize administer; manage; pour in; run
administrar medicamentos administer; apply; nurse
aplicar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize place; position; put; rub in; situate; spread
apostar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; bet; bet on; compose; gamble; speculate; stake; take a chance; take a risk; wager
aprovechar apply; employ; make use of; take; use; utilise; utilize consume; dine; eat; eat up; employ; exploit; grab a bite; handle; have a meal; have dinner; have something to eat; make use of; munch; nibble; nybble; practice; practise; take; take advantage; take advantage of; use; utilise; utilize
cercar apply; divert besiege; border; cheat; clearly define; con; confine; cover; cut back; define; demarcate; edge; fence; fence in; fence off; limit; lock up; map out; mark out; outline; protect; reduce; surround; swindle; trace out
comenzar apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize acquire; arrange; be off; begin; break into; commence; enter; enter into; fall in; get the hang of; get under way; instal; install; introduce; learn; light a cigaret; line up; open; pick up; send up in flames; set alight; set in; set in motion; set up; start; start to; step off; strike up; study; take off; take on; take upon oneself; undertake
consumir apply; employ; make use of; take; use; utilise; utilize bear; burn up; choose; compose; consume; digest; dine; eat; eat up; employ; endure; feast upon; gorge; grab a bite; handle; have a meal; have dinner; have something to eat; make use of; munch; nibble; nybble; opt; practice; practise; process; quench; relieve; smoke; spend; spend money; spend on heating; stand; sustain; take; take something; tuck into; use; use drugs; use up; utilise; utilize
desviar apply; divert avert; branch; branch off; divert; fend off; field; foil; fork off; forward; keep off; lay off; parry; turn away; ward off
ejercer apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize exercise; practice; practise; train; tutor
emplear apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize employ; engage; exploit; handle; hire; make use of; practice; practise; recruit; set to work; sign on; take; use; utilise; utilize
gastar apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize bear; consume; corrode; digest; eat away; endure; erode; make costs; process; spend; spend money; spend on heating; stand; sustain; tire out; use; use up; wear out
hacer uso de administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize employ; handle; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
iniciar apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize apply yourself; arrange; be off; begin; boot; break into; commence; employ; enter into; get under way; handle; initiate; introduce; launch; make use of; open; practice; practise; prepare; put a spurt on; set; set in motion; set the pace; set up; show enthusiasm; show willingness; speed up; start; start off; start to; start up; strike up; take; take off; take on; take upon oneself; undertake; use; utilise; utilize
inscribirse en apply; enrol for; register; report oneself
insertar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; apply yourself; embed; fit in; insert; intercalate; interpolate; introduce; place in between; push; put in; put in between; show enthusiasm; show willingness
invertir administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize bring down; invert; invest; take down; turn
jugarse administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize bet; bet away; bet on; forfeit; gamble; gamble away; lose; take a chance; take a risk; throw away; wager
poner administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize add; allocate; arrange; bring down; deposit; display; exhibit; insert; lay; lay something down; laydown; locate; place; play off; position; put; put down; put in; put something down; set; set down; show; situate; station; switch on; take down; turn on
rodear apply; divert besiege; enfold; envelope; stand around it; surround; take a roundabout way; turn around; walk round
servirse de apply; employ; make use of; take; use; utilise; utilize
solicitar apply appeal; apply for; apply to; ask; ask for; ask for information; attempt; beg; check; endeavor; endeavour; examine; file a petition; make enquiries; petition; plead; pray; pretest; query; request; require; say grace; strive; test; try; try out
tomar apply; employ; make use of; use; utilise; utilize affect; annex; catch; chain; concern; consume; control; dine; dine out; eat; eat up; enchain; enlist; enrol; enroll; examine; get; gulp; gulp down; hit; hit someone; incorporate; inspect; move; obsess; receive; seize; shackle; snatch; sneak up on; strike; strike someone; survey; swallow; take in; take over; take unaware; tattle; touch; tread on; tread upon; twig; use; utilise; utilize; view; walk over; walk upon; wine and dine
tomar en uso administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
usar apply; employ; make use of; take; use; utilise; utilize burn up; consume; employ; exploit; handle; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; use drugs; utilise; utilize
utilizar administer; adopt; apply; avail oneself of; employ; enforce; engage; implement; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize employ; exploit; handle; make use of; practice; practise; take; use; utilise; utilize
validar apply; count; weigh validate
- employ; enforce; give; go for; hold; implement; lend oneself; practice; practise; put on; use; utilise; utilize

Verwante woorden van "apply":

Synoniemen voor "apply":

Antoniemen van "apply":

Verwante definities voor "apply":

  1. ask (for something)2
    • He applied for a leave of absence2
    • She applied for college2
    • apply for a job2
  2. refer (a word or name) to a person or thing2
    • He applied this racial slur to me!2
  3. put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose2
    • This thinking was applied to many projects2
    • I apply this rule to get good results2
  4. apply to a surface2
    • She applied paint to the back of the house2
  5. give or convey physically2
  6. ensure observance of laws and rules2
  7. avail oneself to2
    • apply a principle2
  8. apply oneself to2
    • Please apply yourself to your homework2
  9. be pertinent or relevant or applicable2
    • The same laws apply to you!2
  10. be applicable to; as to an analysis2
  11. To put into operation or to use.1
  12. To link one or more transactions to another transaction to either to reduce the outstanding balance of a transaction or to show a valid connection between the transactions.1

Wiktionary: apply

  1. to be relevant to a specified individual
  2. to submit oneself as a candidate
  3. to engage diligently
  4. to put to use for a purpose
  5. to lay or place

Cross Translation:
apply apropiar; aplicar toepassen — in de praktijk brengen
apply aplicar anwenden — (transitiv) einen Gegenstand dazu bringen, seine Aufgabe zu erledigen
apply solicitar; presentarse bewerben — (intransitiv), (reflexiv),mit Akkusativ: um eine Anstellung, um eine Kandidatur, um eine Ausschreibung oder Ähnliches in einem bestimmten Verfahren bemühen
apply aplicar appliquermettre une chose sur une autre, soit pour qu’elle y demeure adhérente, être pour qu’elle y laisser une empreinte, soit simplement pour qu’elle y toucher.
apply untar; engrasar enduire — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
apply imponer imposer — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
apply poner; meter; colocar mettreplacer une personne, ou un animal, ou une chose dans un lieu déterminé.
apply practicar; emplear; aplicar pratiquerTraductions à trier suivant le sens.
apply rezar; orar; pedir; rogar prieradorer la divinité en lui demander une grâce, en la remercier d’une grâce.
apply revestir; enfundar; poner; sobreponer; revocar revêtirpourvoir de vêtements quelqu’un qui en a besoin.
apply ostentar; untar; engrasar étalerTraductions à trier suivant le sens.
apply extender; estirar; desenvolver; tender étendre — Traductions à trier suivant le sens

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van applying