
Uitgebreide vertaling voor wicked (Engels) in het Spaans


wicked bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. wicked (angry; vicious; cross; )
    enfadado; disgustado; airado
  2. wicked (malicious; nasty)
    vil; infame
    • vil bijvoeglijk naamwoord
    • infame bijvoeglijk naamwoord
  3. wicked (noxious; pestiferous; depraved; reprobated)
    vicioso; corrompido; nocivo; dañino; pernicioso; perverso; depravado; viciado; ruinoso
  4. wicked (unattended; perverted; depraved; )
    perverso; depravado; vicioso; corrompido

Vertaal Matrix voor wicked:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
vicioso monstrosity; ogre; ugly fellow
vil robber; thief
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- arch; impish; implike; mischievous; pixilated; prankish; puckish; severe; sinful; terrible; unholy
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- evil-minded 7'; malicious
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
airado angry; cross; enraged; incensed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful airy; angry; badly; cool; enraged; evil-minded; false; fresh; irate; livid; low; malicious; seething; vicious; with evil intention
corrompido abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; noxious; ownerless; perverted; pestiferous; reprobated; unattended; wicked corrupt; degenerate; depraved; perverted; putrefied; rotten
dañino depraved; noxious; pestiferous; reprobated; wicked damaging; hurting; pestiferous
depravado abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; noxious; ownerless; perverted; pestiferous; reprobated; unattended; wicked amoral; immoral; indecent
disgustado angry; cross; enraged; incensed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful dejected; depressed; despondent; discouraged; disheartened; dispirited; gloomy; low spirited; pessimistic
enfadado angry; cross; enraged; incensed; venomous; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; wicked; wrathful angry; annoyed; bad-tempered; badly; bitter; blazing; discontented; disgruntled; displeased; dissatisfied; enraged; evil-minded; false; fiery; furious; glaring; gruff; grumpy; indignant; irate; irritated; livid; low; malicious; moody; nettled; peevish; piqued; pissed off; put out; seething; sharp; sore; stiff; sulky; sullen; surly; upset; venomous; vexed; vicious; virulent; vitriolic; with evil intention
infame malicious; nasty; wicked abominable; appalling; awful; bad; base; crying shame; crying to heaven; detestable; disgraceful; dishonorable; dishonourable; dismal; distressful; dreadful; immoral; indecent; inglorious; mean; miserable; nasty; nefarious; outrageous; pathetic; pedestrian; pitiful; rank; rotten; shocking; terrible; vile; villainous; wretched
nocivo depraved; noxious; pestiferous; reprobated; wicked damaging; detrimental; disadvantuous; harm causing; unfavorable; unfavourable; unprofitable
pernicioso depraved; noxious; pestiferous; reprobated; wicked pestiferous
perverso abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; noxious; ownerless; perverted; pestiferous; reprobated; unattended; wicked corrupt; degenerate; depraved; perverted; putrefied; rotten
ruinoso depraved; noxious; pestiferous; reprobated; wicked delicate; fragile; frail; pestiferous; ragged; ramshackle; rickety; ruinous; tender; vulnerable; wobbly; wonky
viciado depraved; noxious; pestiferous; reprobated; wicked flat; stale; unsavory; unsavoury; vapid
vicioso abandoned; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; noxious; ownerless; perverted; pestiferous; reprobated; unattended; wicked corrupt; degenerate; depraved; perverted; putrefied; rotten; vicious
vil malicious; nasty; wicked abominable; amoral; bad; bald; base; bogus; caddish; common; commonly; criminal; cunning; customary; detestable; faked; false; feigned; fictitious; greasy; habitual; icy; illegal; immoral; in gutter; indecent; lack of moral; mean; miserable; nasty; nefarious; not genuine; obscene; ordinarily; ordinary; pedestrian; quite common; shabby; sham; sleek; slippery; slithery; smooth; smoothly; stingy; usual; vile; villainous

Verwante woorden van "wicked":

Synoniemen voor "wicked":

Antoniemen van "wicked":

Verwante definities voor "wicked":

  1. intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality1
    • under wicked fire from the enemy's guns1
    • a wicked cough1
  2. having committed unrighteous acts1
  3. naughtily or annoyingly playful1
    • a wicked prank1
  4. morally bad in principle or practice1

Wiktionary: wicked

  1. evil or mischevous
  2. slang: awesome
  1. slang: very
    • wickedmuy

Cross Translation:
wicked malicioso boshaft — mit böser Absicht; mit der Absicht, anderen zu schaden
wicked malvado boshaft — mit grundlegend bösem Charakter
wicked malo; malvado méchantmauvais, antonyme : lien|bon|fr.
wicked pobre; lastimoso; miserable; despreciable; mísero pauvre — Qui inspire le mépris


wick [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the wick (fuse; pith; pip; kernel; fuze)
    la mecha
    • mecha [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the wick (cotton; cottonwick)
    el algodón; la materia de algodón; el ala; el empuje; el fogón
  3. the wick (cotton; cottonwick)
    el algodón
  4. the wick
    el manguito; la mecha; la camisilla
    • manguito [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • mecha [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • camisilla [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor wick:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
ala cotton; cottonwick; wick dolt; duffer; flange; lout; wing
algodón cotton; cottonwick; wick cotton; cotton tree; cotton yarn; wad of cotton wool
camisilla wick
empuje cotton; cottonwick; wick drive; elasticity; energy; enterprising spirit; flight; gin; impetus; instinct; intuition; jenever; kernel; momentum; noise level; pip; pit; soul; sound intensity; sound level; sound volume; spirit; springyness; spunk; stone; strength; thoroughness; volume
fogón cotton; cottonwick; wick cooker; cooking-stove; distiller; fireplace; fireside; furnace; gas burner; hearth; stoker; stove
manguito wick
materia de algodón cotton; cottonwick; wick
mecha fuse; fuze; kernel; pip; pith; wick kernel; lamp wick; lard; nitric-paper; pip; pit; stone
- taper

Verwante woorden van "wick":

Synoniemen voor "wick":

Verwante definities voor "wick":

  1. a loosely woven cord (in a candle or oil lamp) that draws fuel by capillary action up into the flame1
  2. any piece of cord that conveys liquid by capillary action1
    • the physician put a wick in the wound to drain it1

Wiktionary: wick

  1. the porous cord that draws up liquid fuel for burning

Cross Translation:
wick mecha; mechero kous — een hulpmiddel om een brandstof in licht om te zetten, dat deel uitmaakt van een olie- of petroleumlamp
wick mecha wiek — een pit van een lamp
wick pablio; mecha DochtSchnur aus Baumwolle, welche durch die Kapillarwirkung dafür sorgt, dass in Kerzen und Petroleumlampen Brennstoff hochsteigen und am oberen Ende brennen

Computer vertaling door derden: