
Uitgebreide vertaling voor lastingly (Engels) in het Spaans


Verwante definities voor "lastingly":

  1. in an enduring or permanent manner1

Wiktionary: lastingly

Cross Translation:
lastingly continuamente; siempre continuellement — Sans interruption, de manière continue.

lastingly vorm van lasting:

lasting bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. lasting (durable)
    – existing for a long time 1
    duradero; sólido; estable; perdurable; fuerte
  2. lasting (durable)
    – existing for a long time 1
    estable; sólido; perdurable; fuerte; permanente; durable
  3. lasting (constant; everlasting)
    sólido; permanente; constantemente; fuerte; estable; continuo; constante; duradero; continuamente; perdurable
  4. lasting (continuous; constant; all the time; )
    continuamente; constantemente
  5. lasting (continuous; constant; continual)
    duradero; continuo; permanente; perdurable
  6. lasting (everlasting; perpetual; continuous; )
    eterno; continuo; constante; interminable; perpetuo; permanente; incesante; continuamente

lasting [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the lasting (continuing)
    la continuación

Vertaal Matrix voor lasting:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
continuación continuing; lasting continuation; duration; film sequence; future; length; sequel; sequence
fuerte castle; château; citadel; door lock; fort; fortification; fortified building; fortress; knight's castle; lock; strength; strong point; stronghold
permanente perm; permanent; permanent wave
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- durable; long-lasting; long-lived; permanent; persistent
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
constante constant
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
constante constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting anyway; constant; continuous; fixed; indefatigable; indifferent; non stop; not ceasing; not desisting; permanent; persistent; plain; repeated; stable; steady; unabated; unceasing; undiminished; unflagging; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying
constantemente all along; all the time; connected; constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; laced; lasting; permanent; persistent; repeated; restless; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring always; constant; constantly; continual; continuous; continuously; ever; indefatigable; non stop; permanent; persistent; repeated; stable; steady; unceasing; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying; without interruption
continuamente all along; all the time; connected; constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; laced; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; repeated; restless; unbroken; unceasing; undisturbed; unending; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring always; constant; constantly; continually; continuous; continuously; ever; indefatigable; non stop; permanent; persistent; repeated; running; trough; unceasing; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying; without interruption
continuo constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting constant; continuous; indefatigable; non stop; persevering; persistent; repeated; running; trough; uninterrupted; unremitting; untiring; unwearying
durable durable; lasting
duradero constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; lasting firm; of long standing; standing-on; staunch; stiff
estable constant; durable; everlasting; lasting constant; creditworthy; firm; index-linked; solid; solvent; sound; stable; stable in value; staunch; steady
eterno constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting ageless; always; at all times; at any time; endless; eternal; ever; everlasting; for ever; for life; immortal; imperishable; incessant; infinite; interminable; lengthy; lifelasting; lifelong; never-ending; perpetual; timeless; undying; unending; very long
fuerte constant; durable; everlasting; lasting aloud; as fast as a bullet; big; bold; brave; burly; courageous; effective; embittered; exasperated; fierce; firm; grim; heavily built; heavy; heavyset; heroic; heroical; intense; massive; morally strong; muscular; out loud; penetrating; piercing; potent; powerful; punish; rasping; robust; severe; shrill; solid; sound; standing-on; staunch; stiff; stone-hard; stout; strapping; strong; sturdy; sullen; suppressed; valiant; vehement; very fast; vigorous; violent; well built
incesante constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting constant; continuous; non stop; not ceasing; not desisting; persistent; repeated; unceasing; uninterrupted; unremitting
interminable constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting eternal; shoreless
perdurable constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; lasting
permanente constant; continual; continuous; durable; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting constant; continuous; non stop; persistent; repeated; running; trough; uninterrupted; unremitting
perpetuo constant; continual; continuous; everlasting; lasting; permanent; perpetual; persistent; unceasing; unending; unremitting always; at all times; at any time; endless; eternal; ever; everlasting; for ever; for life; imperishable; lifelasting; lifelong; perpetual; undying
sólido constant; durable; everlasting; lasting burly; durable; elaborate; firm; hard core; heavily built; heavyset; massive; obese; reliable; robust; solid; sound; stable; staunch; stout; sturdy; substantial

Verwante woorden van "lasting":

  • lastingly

Synoniemen voor "lasting":

Antoniemen van "lasting":

  • impermanent; caducous

Verwante definities voor "lasting":

  1. existing for a long time1
  2. continuing or enduring without marked change in status or condition or place1
  3. retained; not shed1
  4. lasting a long time without change1
    • a lasting relationship1

Wiktionary: lasting

  1. persisting for an extended period of time

Cross Translation:
lasting perenne; continuo; frecuente; a menudo gedurig — met grote regelmaat, vrijwel altijd
lasting inmutable; estacionario; perenne; perdurable; permanente; durable; perpetuo; duradero; constante; estable bestendig — duurzaam
lasting duradero; permanente dauerhaft — lange anhaltend; auf Dauer

Computer vertaling door derden: