
Uitgebreide vertaling voor narrow-minded (Engels) in het Spaans

narrow minded:

narrow minded bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. narrow minded (narrow)
  2. narrow minded (bourgeois; cramped; confined; )
    burgués; cursi; civil; pequeñoburgués
  3. narrow minded (petty; bashfull; diffident)
    pequeña; corto; apretado; mezquino; apogado; pequeño; escatimado; estrecho de miras; estrecho; angosto; limitado; eficiente; innoble

Vertaal Matrix voor narrow minded:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
civil citizen
cursi tart
estrecho isthmus; narrow; narrowing; narrowness; neck of land; strait; stricture; stringency; tightness
pequeña kiddy; nipper; small child; small one; tike; toddler; tyke
pequeño kiddy; nipper; small child; small one; tike; toddler; tyke
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
angosto bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty cramped; narrow; small; tight
apogado bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty
apretado bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty acute; biting; brutal; clasping; clever; cramped; entrapped; inhuman; keen; narrow; pityless; razor-sharp; ruthless; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; small; tight
burgués a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; small-town narrow-minded; petty; provincial; regional; small-townish
civil a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; small-town civil
corto bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty
cursi a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; small-town affected; exaggerated; excessive; exorbitant; immoderate; kitschy; overdone; theatrical
eficiente bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty economical; effective; efficient; frugal; sparing; thrifty
escatimado bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty
estrecho bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty cramped; narrow; narrow-minded; petty; pinchy; poky; pressing; short of cash; short of money; small; stringent; tight; urgent
estrecho de miras bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty narrow-minded; petty
innoble bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty base; mean; nasty; pedestrian; undignified; ungenerously; unworthy; vile; villainous
limitado bashfull; diffident; narrow; narrow minded; petty abated; bordered; contracted; decreased; finite; limited; mean; pedestrian; reduced; restricted; sealed off; vile
mezquino bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty bogus; faked; false; feeble; feigned; fictitious; mean; mediocre; narrow-minded; not bad; not genuine; not very good; pedestrian; poor; sham; stingy; ungenerously; vile
pequeña bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty meager; meagre; minuscule; puny; skinny; thin; tiny
pequeño bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty low; meager; meagre; mean; minuscule; not high; pedestrian; puny; skinny; thin; tiny; vile
pequeñoburgués a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; small-town narrow-minded; provincial; regional; small-townish

Wiktionary: narrow minded

Cross Translation:
narrow minded de miras estrechas étroit d’esprit — Qui est limité intellectuellement.


narrow-minded bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. narrow-minded
    mezquino; hortera; apocado; pequeñoburgués; pegueñoburguesa
  2. narrow-minded (petty)
    pegueñoburguesa; burgués; estrecho de miras; estrecho

Vertaal Matrix voor narrow-minded:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
estrecho isthmus; narrow; narrowing; narrowness; neck of land; strait; stricture; stringency; tightness
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- narrow; shockable
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- Philistine
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
apocado narrow-minded bashful; diffident; shy; timid; withdrawn
burgués narrow-minded; petty a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; regional; small-town; small-townish
estrecho narrow-minded; petty bashfull; cramped; diffident; narrow; narrow minded; petty; pinchy; poky; pressing; short of cash; short of money; small; stringent; tight; urgent
estrecho de miras narrow-minded; petty bashfull; diffident; narrow minded; petty
hortera narrow-minded
mezquino narrow-minded bashfull; bogus; diffident; faked; false; feeble; feigned; fictitious; mean; mediocre; narrow minded; not bad; not genuine; not very good; pedestrian; petty; poor; sham; stingy; ungenerously; vile
pegueñoburguesa narrow-minded; petty provincial; regional; small-townish
pequeñoburgués narrow-minded a small voice; bourgeois; confined; cramped; like a narrow minded man; lower-middle-class; narrow minded; narrow-mindedness; parochial; petty; petty-bourgeois; provincial; regional; small-town; small-townish

Synoniemen voor "narrow-minded":

Antoniemen van "narrow-minded":

Verwante definities voor "narrow-minded":

  1. lacking tolerance or flexibility or breadth of view1
    • a brilliant but narrow-minded judge1
  2. rigidly adhering to a particular sect or its doctrines1
  3. capable of being shocked1

Wiktionary: narrow-minded

Cross Translation:
narrow-minded mezquino; de miras estrechas; pedante; tacaño; minucioso kleinlich — übertrieben genau, zu stark auf Kleinigkeiten achtend
narrow-minded roto; rota schofelumgangssprachlich abwertend:in beschämender Weise kleinlich, geizig
narrow-minded mezquino; intolerante mesquin — Qui a un esprit étroit

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van narrow-minded