
Uitgebreide vertaling voor understanding (Engels) in het Spaans


understanding [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the understanding (insight; perception)
    la opinión; la idea
    • opinión [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • idea [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the understanding (comprehension; notion; grasp)
    el comprender; el entender
  3. the understanding
    el comprender; el coger
    • comprender [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • coger [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the understanding
    la comprensión
  5. the understanding (discernment; insight; brain; notion)
    la perspicacia; la listeza; la agudeza; el entendimiento; la noción; la inteligencia; la sagacidad; el genio; el ingenio; la discernimiento; la inventiva
  6. the understanding (intellect; intelligence)
    el entendimiento; el intelecto

understanding bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. understanding

Vertaal Matrix voor understanding:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agudeza brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acidity; acumen; acuteness; adeptness; bittyness; brightness; cattishness; cleverness; cunning; curtness; discernment; gag; insight; intelligence; jest; joke; keen perception; keenness; pleasantry; quick-wittedness; quip; readiness for battle; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; snappiness; witticism; witty remark
coger understanding having a grip; hold; laying hands on; taking hold of
comprender comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding comprehending; containing; including
comprensión understanding awareness; discernment; insight; mind; perception; reason; vision
discernimiento brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding discernment; distinguishability; insight; perception; recognizability; sharp-eyedness; vision
entender comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding
entendimiento brain; discernment; insight; intellect; intelligence; notion; understanding awareness; brainpower; clarity; clearness; combined action; concord; consensus; discernment; genius; insight; intellect; intelligence; limpidity; mental capacity; mind; perception; reason; sense; teamwork; thought; unanimity; vision
genio brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding ability; aptitude; brainpower; bright spark; brilliance; capacity; genius; gift; go getter; high flyer; ingenuity; intellect; intelligence; inventiveness; magician; mental capacity; natural ability; resourcefulness; sense; smart fellow; sorcerer; talent; thought; whizz kid; wizard
idea insight; perception; understanding angle; aspect; assault; attitude; awareness; brightness; cleverness; conception; consciousness; conviction; creed; discernment; disposition; fabrication; fantasy; figment of the imagination; hold up; idea; illusion; image; imagination; inclination; insight; intelligence; intent; interpretation; meaning; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; phantasy; pipe dream; point of view; purport; raid; reading; realisation; realization; sagacity; sense; smartness; stand; stature; tendency; tenor; thought; version; view; vision; way of thinking
ingenio brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding drift; tendency
intelecto intellect; intelligence; understanding brightness; cleverness; discernment; insight; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; sagacity; smartness
inteligencia brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding adeptness; awareness; brainpower; brightness; cleverness; discernment; genius; headline; insight; intellect; intellectual powers; intelligence; mental capacity; mind; nature; quick-wittedness; reason; sagacity; sense; sharpness; smartness; thought
inventiva brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding
listeza brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding adeptness; brightness; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; intelligence; keenness; nicety; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; wiliness
noción brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding awareness; concept; conception; consciousness; conviction; creed; designation; discernment; disposition; idea; image; inclination; insight; mind; name; notion; opinion; realisation; realization; reason; term; thought; view; vision
opinión insight; perception; understanding advisory body; angle; articulation; aspect; attitude; awareness; brain trust; comment; conception; conviction; creed; declaration; discernment; disposition; ellipse; enunciation; expression of opinion; idea; image; inclination; insight; interpretation; judgement; letting out; mind; notion; opinion; outlook; perception; perspective; point of view; pronunciation; quote; reading; reason; remark; sentence; stand; statement; thought; utterance; verdict; version; view; vision; way of thinking
perspicacia brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acumen; acuteness; adeptness; awareness; brightness; cleverness; cunning; discernment; down to the minutest details; insight; intelligence; keen perception; mind; nicety; quick-wittedness; reason; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness
sagacidad brain; discernment; insight; notion; understanding acumen; acuteness; adeptness; cleverness; craftiness; cunning; discernment; dodge; down to the minutest details; guile; insight; intelligence; keen perception; keenness; nicety; quick-wittedness; sagacity; sharp-eyedness; sharp-mindedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; smartness; subtlety; wiliness
- agreement; apprehension; discernment; intellect; reason; savvy; sympathy
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
coger absorb; acquire; admit; cadge; capture; catch; chain; clamp; clasp; collar; collect; contract; enchain; expropriate; filch; gather; get; get hold of; glean; go thieving; grab; grasp; grip; harvest; lap up; lay hold of; lay one's hands on; make off with; mooch; nick; obsess; obtain; obtain by begging; pick; pilfer; pinch; polish off; purloin; put away; reap; receive; rob; seize; seize upon; shackle; sip up; snatch; sneak up on; snitch; startle; steal; surprise; swipe; take; take away; take hold of; take in; take unaware; take up; tattle; trap; twig
comprender add; be acquainted with; be on to; catch; comprehend; comprise; contain; encapsulate; enclose; get; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; include; interpellate; interrogate; question; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; seize; snatch; sneak up on; subsidise; subsidize; take unaware; tattle; twig; understand
entender be acquainted with; be in sympathy with; be on to; catch; comprehend; conceive; contain; feel; feel empathy for; get; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; imagine; intend; interpellate; interpret; interrogate; question; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; seize; snatch; sneak up on; subsidise; subsidize; sympathise; sympathize; take unaware; take up; tattle; think; twig; understand
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- brains; comprehension; wit
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
comprensivo understanding

Verwante woorden van "understanding":

Synoniemen voor "understanding":

Verwante definities voor "understanding":

  1. characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy1
    • an understanding friend1
  2. the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination1
  3. the cognitive condition of someone who understands1
    • he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect1
  4. an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion1
    • I knew I could count on his understanding1
  5. the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises1
    • there was an understanding between management and the workers1

Wiktionary: understanding

  1. Mental process of comprehension, assimilation of knowledge, subjective by its nature
  2. Ability to grasp the full meaning of knowledge, ability to infer
  3. Opinion, judgement or outlook
  4. Informal contract, mutual agreement
  5. Reconciliation of differences
  6. Sympathy

Cross Translation:
understanding relación Beziehung — Verhältnis, in dem Menschen oder Organisationen zueinander stehen
understanding conprensión ErkenntnisPhilosophie: das Abbild von Gegenständen und Sachverhalten im Bewusstsein; das durch Erkenntnisgewinnung entstandene Wissen; bei Kant das synthetisch-analytische Urteil
understanding razón; juicio Vernunft — das geistige Vermögen, womit ein Mensch die aufgenommenen Gegenstände in sich verarbeiten, d. h. Zusammenhänge zu erkennen, zu beurteilen, zu überschauen und sich dementsprechend sinnvoll und zweckmäßig zu verhalten
understanding acuerdo Abmachung — eine mündliche oder schriftliche Vereinbarung, die bindend und wirksam ist
understanding comprensivo verständnisvollVerständnis und Einsicht zeigend
understanding comprensión begrip — het verstaan of begrijpen van iets
understanding encuentro; relación; acuerdo; entrada; acceso; aceptación; admisión abord — (vieilli) action d’arriver au bord, de toucher le rivage.
understanding acorde; acuerdo; concordación; convenio ententeinterprétation qu’on donner à un mot, à une phrase équivoque et susceptible de plusieurs sens.
understanding relación; conocido; acuerdo relation — Relation entre personnes

understanding vorm van understand:

to understand werkwoord (understands, understood, understanding)

  1. to understand (comprehend; grasp; get)
    comprender; entender; darse cuenta de; concebir; captar
  2. to understand
    comprender; oír; entender
  3. to understand (interpret; take up)
    entender; concebir; tomarse
  4. to understand (be on to; rumble to; see through)
    comprender; entender; calar
  5. to understand (have it taped)
    dominar; controlar

Conjugations for understand:

  1. understand
  2. understand
  3. understands
  4. understand
  5. understand
  6. understand
simple past
  1. understood
  2. understood
  3. understood
  4. understood
  5. understood
  6. understood
present perfect
  1. have understood
  2. have understood
  3. has understood
  4. have understood
  5. have understood
  6. have understood
past continuous
  1. was understanding
  2. were understanding
  3. was understanding
  4. were understanding
  5. were understanding
  6. were understanding
  1. shall understand
  2. will understand
  3. will understand
  4. shall understand
  5. will understand
  6. will understand
continuous present
  1. am understanding
  2. are understanding
  3. is understanding
  4. are understanding
  5. are understanding
  6. are understanding
  1. be understood
  2. be understood
  3. be understood
  4. be understood
  5. be understood
  6. be understood
  1. understand!
  2. let's understand!
  3. understood
  4. understanding
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

Vertaal Matrix voor understand:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
comprender comprehending; comprehension; containing; grasp; including; notion; understanding
controlar check
entender comprehension; grasp; notion; understanding
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
calar be on to; rumble to; see through; understand contain; drench; fathom; get through; get to know; grasp; hold; look through; persevere; persist; reach; realise; realize; see through; soak
captar comprehend; get; grasp; understand acquire; catch; get hold of something; grab; lay one's hands on; obtain; secure; seize; seize upon; take possession of
comprender be on to; comprehend; get; grasp; rumble to; see through; understand add; be acquainted with; catch; comprise; contain; encapsulate; enclose; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; include; interpellate; interrogate; question; realise; realize; see through; seize; snatch; sneak up on; subsidise; subsidize; take unaware; tattle; twig
concebir comprehend; get; grasp; interpret; take up; understand arrange; conceptualise; conceptualize; construct; contain; create; design; dig out; dig up; excavate; exhume; expose; get to know; grasp; hatch out; hold; instal; install; invent; lay open; make; manufacture; open up; prepare; realise; realize; set up; unearth
controlar have it taped; understand audit; check; control; curb; examine; govern; inspect; investigate; keep an eye on; keep and eye on; keep back; look at; moderate; monitor; observe; patrol; research; restrain; scrutinise; scrutinize; spectate; study; subdue; supervise; test; try; verify; view; watch
darse cuenta de comprehend; get; grasp; understand become aware of; behold; cast a glance; cast a look; contain; feel; get to know; glance over; grasp; hold; notice; observe; perceive; realise; realize; see; see in; sense; signal; skim
dominar have it taped; understand be the one in control; besiege; besieged; besieges; check; comprise; control; cover; curb; domesticate; dominate; encapsulate; enclose; evnvelope; exercise authority; exert power; have the upper hand; include; keep back; moderate; order; predominate; prevail; reign; restrain; rise above; rule; subdue; surround; tame; tower above; wrap up
entender be on to; comprehend; get; grasp; interpret; rumble to; see through; take up; understand be acquainted with; be in sympathy with; catch; conceive; contain; feel; feel empathy for; get to know; grant; grasp; hear; hold; imagine; intend; interpellate; interrogate; question; realise; realize; see through; seize; snatch; sneak up on; subsidise; subsidize; sympathise; sympathize; take unaware; tattle; think; twig
oír understand grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; question; subsidise; subsidize
tomarse interpret; take up; understand
- empathise; empathize; infer; interpret; read; realise; realize; see; sympathise; sympathize; translate
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- gather

Verwante woorden van "understand":

Synoniemen voor "understand":

Verwante definities voor "understand":

  1. know and comprehend the nature or meaning of1
    • She did not understand her husband1
    • I understand what she means1
  2. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally1
    • I don't understand the idea1
  3. believe to be the case1
    • I understand you have no previous experience?1
  4. make sense of a language1
    • She understands French1
  5. be understanding of1
    • You don't need to explain--I understand!1

Wiktionary: understand

  1. to be aware of the meaning of
  2. to believe, based on information
  3. to impute meaning, character etc. that is not explicitly stated

Cross Translation:
understand entender verstaan — begrijpen van een uiting
understand comprender begrijpen — met het verstand bevatten
understand entender; comprender begreifen — etwas oder jemanden mit dem Verstand erfassen
understand entender; comprender comprendre — Saisir le sens

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van understanding