
Uitgebreide vertaling voor skilled (Engels) in het Spaans


skilled bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. skilled (capable; qualified; competent; )
    capaz; competente; apto; calificado; experto; experto en la materia; perito
  2. skilled (schooled; educated; practised; practiced)
    erudito; cultivado; culto; especializado; docto
  3. skilled (authorized; competent; authorised)
    competente; autorizado; legítimo; calificado; justificado
  4. skilled (capable; proficient; adroit; )
    capaz; talentoso; listo; apto; competente; experto; versado; habilidoso; hábil; perito; diestro; ducho; entrenado; mañoso; certero; experimentado; sabiondo
  5. skilled (qualified; certified; competent)
    licenciado; calificado; capacitado; diplomado

Vertaal Matrix voor skilled:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
autorizado authorized person; empowered person; entitled person
culto adoration; belief; civilised; civilized; creed; cult; cultivated; deference; disposition; divine worship; faith; inclination; persuasion; regard; religion; religious ceremony; religious conviction; respect; reverence; theolatry; veneration; worship; worship of God
erudito erudite; erudite person; learned person; literary person; man of learning; man of letters; professor; scholar; scholarly person
experto authority; connoisseur; expert; professional; specialist
licenciado Master of Science; candidate for a doctor's degree
listo bright spark; genius; smart fellow
perito authority; expert; specialist
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- experienced; fully qualified; fully trained; practiced; practised; professionally experienced; proficient; skilled in one's trade; trained
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
apto able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
autorizado authorised; authorized; competent; skilled authorised; authorized; entitled; granted the right
calificado able; authorised; authorized; capable; certified; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; capable; competent; efficient; experienced; good; seasoned
capacitado certified; competent; qualified; skilled experienced; seasoned
capaz able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; adroit; alluring; attractive; capable; dexterous; experienced; expert; handy; neat; nimble; proficient; seasoned; skilful; skillful
certero able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained accurate; well-aimed
competente able; adroit; authorised; authorized; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; capable; competent; efficient; experienced; good; physically capable; proficient; seasoned
cultivado educated; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled built on; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; developed; exploited; polite; reclamated; under crop; well tended
culto educated; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; courteous; cultivated; cultured; dignified; high alcohol content; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; spirituous; strong; well-mannered
diestro able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; adroit; astute; bright; capable; clever; dexterous; expert; handy; ingenious; keen; manageable; neat; nimble; perky; polished; proficient; resourceful; right; right-handed; sharp; sharpened; skilful; skillful; smart; smoothened; useful; well sharpened; wily
diplomado certified; competent; qualified; skilled
docto educated; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled academic; erudite; grounded; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
ducho able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; cunning; false; ingenious; keen; low; mean; nasty; nimble; perfect; proficient; quick; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slippery; sly; smart; thorough; underhand; useful; vicious; vile
entrenado able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well
erudito educated; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled academic; clever; educated; erudite; intelligent; learned; lettered; sage; scholarly; smart; university-educated; very learned; well-educated; well-read; wise
especializado educated; practiced; practised; schooled; skilled specialised; specialistic; specialized; specializing
experimentado able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; adroit; capable; dexterous; dyed-in-the-wool; experienced; expert; handy; neat; nimble; physically capable; proficient; seasoned; skilful; skillful; sophisticated; worldly-wise
experto able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; adroit; capable; clever; competent; dexterous; efficient; experienced; expert; good; handy; ingenious; neat; nimble; perfect; physically capable; proficient; resourceful; skilful; skillful; thorough
experto en la materia able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; capable; competent; efficient; good
habilidoso able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; acute; adroit; biting; capable; clever; cunning; dexterous; expert; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; polished; proficient; roguish; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smoothened; useful; well sharpened
hábil able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; alluring; attractive; capable; clever; cunning; false; ingenious; keen; low; mean; nasty; physically capable; proficient; roguish; sharp; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; underhand; useful; vicious; vile
justificado authorised; authorized; competent; skilled authorised; authorized; entitled; granted the right; justified; lawful; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; rightful; valid; warranted
legítimo authorised; authorized; competent; skilled absolute; authorised; authorized; convincing; downright; entitled; granted the right; justified; lawful; legal; legitimate; on legitimate grounds; reasonable; reasoned; rightful; solid; sound; straight; valid; valid in law; warranted; well-founded
licenciado certified; competent; qualified; skilled
listo able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; accomplished; achieved; acute; adroit; alluring; astute; attractive; biting; brainy; bright; brilliant; calculating; canny; capable; clear; clever; complete; completed; concluded; crafty; cunning; dexterous; dodgy; done; evident; expert; false; finished; handy; ingenious; intelligent; keen; knowledgable; low; mean; nasty; neat; nimble; off; out; over; packed; perky; pointed; polished; prepared; proficient; quick; ready; ready for use; ready to go; resourceful; roguish; sagacious; sensible; sharp; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; slippery; sly; smart; smoothened; underhand; vicious; vile; well sharpened; willing; wily; wise
mañoso able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; acute; adroit; astute; biting; bright; capable; clever; crafty; cunning; dexterous; expert; handy; ingenious; intelligent; keen; neat; nimble; polished; proficient; roguish; sagacious; sharp-minded; sharpened; sharpwitted; shrewd; skilful; skillful; slick; sly; smart; smoothened; useful; well sharpened; wily; wise
perito able; adroit; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained acute; biting; clever; ingenious; keen; resourceful; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful
sabiondo able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained
talentoso able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; acute; adroit; biting; capable; clever; dexterous; expert; gifted; handy; ingenious; keen; neat; nimble; proficient; resourceful; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; skilful; skillful; talented
versado able; adroit; capable; proficient; skilful; skilled; skillful; trained able; acute; biting; capable; clever; grounded; keen; perfect; physically capable; proficient; sharp-minded; sharpwitted; thorough

Verwante woorden van "skilled":

Synoniemen voor "skilled":

Antoniemen van "skilled":

Verwante definities voor "skilled":

  1. having or showing or requiring special skill1
    • only the most skilled gymnasts make an Olympic team1
    • a skilled surgeon has many years of training and experience1
    • a skilled reconstruction of her damaged elbow1
    • a skilled trade1

Wiktionary: skilled

  1. having or showing skill

Cross Translation:
skilled hábil bedreven — ervaren en handig, vakkundig
skilled competente; especializado; profesional fachmännischsachgerecht, sachverständig, von einem Fachmann oder einer Fachfrau aus gesehen oder gemacht
skilled hábil; diestro; mañoso geschickt — von hoch, guter Handfertigkeit, Handwerklichkeit
skilled diestro; hábil adroit — Qui a de l’adresse. (Sens général).
skilled competente compétent — juri|fr Qui appartenir, qui est dû en vertu de certains droits. Il ne se dit, en ce sens, que d’une portion de quelque bien, de quelque domaine.
skilled diestro; hábil habileadroit ; qui fait ce qu’il entreprendre avec souplesse.


skill [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the skill (ability; dexterity; adroitness; knack)
    la destreza; la aptitud; la experiencia; la presteza
  2. the skill (routine; practice; experience; practise)
    la prácticas; la práctica; la carrera; la experiencia; el entrenamiento; la habilidad; la formación; la capacitación; la rutina; la consulta; el estudios
  3. the skill (ability)
    la habilidad; la destreza; el conocimientos; el saber; el arte; la pericia; la experiencia; el talento
  4. the skill (dexterity; art; trick; )
    el arte; la artes; la comodidad; la agilidad; la manija; la presteza; el truco; la ciencia; la aptitud; la pericia
    • arte [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • artes [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • comodidad [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • agilidad [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • manija [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • presteza [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • truco [el ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • ciencia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • aptitud [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • pericia [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the skill (competence; expertise; capability; business sense)
    el conocimientos; la presteza; la profesionalidad; la pericia
  6. the skill (craftsmanship; expertise; skilled labour)
    – an ability that has been acquired by training 1
    la capacidad profesional; el trabajo de especialista; la experiencia; el trabajo profesional
  7. the skill (knack; ability)
    la habilidad
  8. the skill
    – The ability to proficiently perform certain tasks or duties. 2
    la aptitud
    • aptitud [la ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor skill:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
agilidad ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick agility; briskness; limberness; lithesomeness; liveliness; mobility; quickness; rapidity; tempo; vivacity
aptitud ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick ability; appropriateness; capability; capacity; quality; suitability
arte ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick drive; excursion; feat; journey; passage; trick; trip; voyage
artes ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick arts
capacidad profesional craftsmanship; expertise; skill; skilled labour competence
capacitación experience; practice; practise; routine; skill
carrera experience; practice; practise; routine; skill competition; contest; course; game; hurrying; marathon; match; play; race; run; running; set; sprints; study; trotting
ciencia ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick knowledge; science
comodidad ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick airiness; chumminess; comfort; comfortableness; companionableness; convenience; conveniences; conviviality; cosiness; coziness; ease; lightness; obligingness; pleasantness; snugness; sociability
conocimientos ability; business sense; capability; competence; expertise; skill
consulta experience; practice; practise; routine; skill advice; advising; consultation; consulting-hours; consulting-room; counsel; doctor's practice; query; study; suggestion; training; visiting hour
destreza ability; adroitness; dexterity; knack; skill battle; discovery; experience; nimble-fingeredness; war
entrenamiento experience; practice; practise; routine; skill item; principal theme; subject; subject matter; theme; topic; training
estudios experience; practice; practise; routine; skill class; course; drill; exercise; lesson; lesson hour; practice; practise; studies; studio; study; studying; training
experiencia ability; adroitness; craftsmanship; dexterity; experience; expertise; knack; practice; practise; routine; skill; skilled labour discovery; experience; experiencing; going through an experience; intimate acquaintance with
formación experience; practice; practise; routine; skill college; configuration; drilling; education; formation; qualification; river source; schooling; source; spring; teaching; training; upbringing
habilidad ability; experience; knack; practice; practise; routine; skill adeptness; battle; craftiness; cunning; discovery; experience; handcraft; handicraft; handiness; industrial art; intelligence; keenness; manual training; quick-wittedness; sharpness; shrewdness; slyness; war
manija ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick grip
pericia ability; adroitness; agility; art; business sense; capability; competence; dexterity; expertise; knack; skill; trick appraisal; assessment
presteza ability; adroitness; agility; art; business sense; capability; competence; dexterity; expertise; knack; skill; trick haste; hastiness; hurry; overhaste; rush
profesionalidad business sense; capability; competence; expertise; skill competence
práctica experience; practice; practise; routine; skill discovery; experience; performance; practice; practise; teaching exercise
prácticas experience; practice; practise; routine; skill drill; exercise; internship; practice; practise; training
rutina experience; practice; practise; routine; skill blandness; boredom; discovery; drabness; dullness; experience; fixed pattern; monotony; paleness; routine; rut; sallowness; sameness; stereotype; uniformity
saber ability; skill handiness
talento ability; skill ability; aptitude; brainpower; capacity; genius; gift; ingenuity; intellect; intelligence; mental capacity; natural ability; sense; talent; thought
trabajo de especialista craftsmanship; expertise; skill; skilled labour lattice construction; professional job
trabajo profesional craftsmanship; expertise; skill; skilled labour lattice construction; professional job
truco ability; adroitness; agility; art; dexterity; knack; skill; trick dirty trick; dodge; gimmick; gimmicks; handiness; knack; lure; magic trick; manoeuver; manoeuvre; ruse; sleight of hand; stunts; trick; trickery; viciousness
- accomplishment; acquirement; acquisition; attainment; science
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
saber allocate; allot; assign; be able; be acquainted with; be informed; bestow on; confer; give; grant; hear; interpellate; interrogate; know; question; subsidise; subsidize
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- ability

Verwante woorden van "skill":

Synoniemen voor "skill":

Verwante definities voor "skill":

  1. ability to produce solutions in some problem domain1
    • the skill of a well-trained boxer1
  2. an ability that has been acquired by training1
  3. The ability to proficiently perform certain tasks or duties.2

Wiktionary: skill

  1. capacity to do something well

Cross Translation:
skill habilidad; soltura; destreza vaardigheid — het vermogen om een handeling bekwaam uit te voeren of een probleem juist op te lossen
skill habilidad; capacidad; talento; facultad Fähigkeit — der (angeborene) Zustand, zu etwas fähig oder in der Lage zu sein
skill habilidad; destreza GeschickPlural ungebräuchlich: Fähigkeit
skill destreza; acierto; agilidad adressecaractéristique de qui est adroit.
skill capacidad capacité — Pouvoir de réaliser ou de produire qqchose
skill conocimiento; sentido; conocimientos; conocido connaissance — Idée, notion qu’on a de quelque chose, de quelqu’un; le fait de le connaître
skill agilidad; destreza; acierto habiletéfacilité, disposition, qualité qui rend propre à faire certaines choses, à réussir dans certaines actions, en particulier en utilisant ses mains.
skill habilidad; destreza; maña habilité — rare|fr droit|fr résultat de l’habilitation, aptitude.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van skilled