
Uitgebreide vertaling voor wards (Engels) in het Duits


wards [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the wards (pupils; students)
    die Schüler
    • Schüler [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the wards (halls; auditoriums; rooms)
    die Säle; die Zuschauerräume
  3. the wards (complex of halls; auditoriums; ward-complex; )
    der Säle; der Spielräume; der Zuschauerräume; der Saalkomplex

Vertaal Matrix voor wards:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Saalkomplex auditorium-complex; auditoriums; complex of halls; hall-complex; halls; rooms; ward-complex; wards
Schüler pupils; students; wards pupil; schoolboy; schoolgirl; student; ward
Spielräume auditorium-complex; auditoriums; complex of halls; hall-complex; halls; rooms; ward-complex; wards margins; open; roll out; unroll
Säle auditorium-complex; auditoriums; complex of halls; hall-complex; halls; rooms; ward-complex; wards halls
Zuschauerräume auditorium-complex; auditoriums; complex of halls; hall-complex; halls; rooms; ward-complex; wards

Verwante woorden van "wards":


ward [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the ward (quarter; district; area)
    der Stadtteil; Stadtviertel; der Stadtbezirk
  2. the ward (department; division; section; )
    die Abteilung; die Sektion; die Geschäftsstelle
  3. the ward (pupil)
    der Schüler
    • Schüler [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. the ward (protégé)
    der Schützling; der Augapfel

Vertaal Matrix voor ward:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Abteilung branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward department; division; ministry; office
Augapfel protégé; ward apple of the eye; beloved; dear; eyeball; loved one
Geschäftsstelle branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward branch; branch office; chain store; department; multiple shop; multiple store; sub-office
Schüler pupil; ward pupil; pupils; schoolboy; schoolgirl; student; students; wards
Schützling protégé; ward protégées
Sektion branch; brigade; department; detachment; division; section; ward autopsy; department; dissection; division; post mortem
Stadtbezirk area; district; quarter; ward area; district; region; territory; urban agglomeration; zone
Stadtteil area; district; quarter; ward area; district; part of the city; quarter; region; territory; zone
Stadtviertel area; district; quarter; ward
- cellblock; hospital ward
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- guard

Verwante woorden van "ward":

Synoniemen voor "ward":

Verwante definities voor "ward":

  1. a division of a prison (usually consisting of several cells)1
  2. block forming a division of a hospital (or a suite of rooms) shared by patients who need a similar kind of care1
    • they put her in a 4-bed ward1
  3. a district into which a city or town is divided for the purpose of administration and elections1
  4. a person who is under the protection or in the custody of another1
  5. watch over or shield from danger or harm; protect1

Wiktionary: ward

  1. action of a watchman
  2. person under guardianship
  3. administrative subdivision of cities
  4. hospital room
  5. minor looked after by a guardian
  1. geographische Gliederungsebene, die der Organisation einer Wahl dient und in der Regel einer Teilmenge der Wahlberechtigten jeweils einen Teil des zu besetzenden Gremiums zuweist
  2. Abteilung eines Krankenhauses mit bestimmter fachlicher Ausrichtung
  3. deutsches Familienrecht: minderjährige Person, die unter Vormundschaft steht

Cross Translation:
ward Raum; Gemach; Stube; Kammer chambre — Toute pièce habitable d’une maison et principalement une chambre à coucher.
ward gelass; Akt; Akte; Aufzug; Schriftstück; Dokument; Urkunde; Gemach; Stube; Fleck; Stück piècepartie, portion, morceau d’un tout.
ward Viertel; Quartier; Stadtviertel; Stadtteil quartierquart, une des quatre parties plus ou moins égales d'un tout.
ward Zimmer; Gemach; Stube; Raum; Kammer sallepièce d’un bâtiment.
ward Abteilung; Fach spécialitécaractère de ce qui est spécial.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van wards