
Uitgebreide vertaling voor instincts (Engels) in het Duits


instincts [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the instincts
    die Anregung; der Antrieb; der Impuls
    • Anregung [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Antrieb [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Impuls [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the instincts
    die Antriebe; die Instinkte

Vertaal Matrix voor instincts:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Anregung instincts boost; caprice; drive; impetus; impulse; incentive; incitement; instigation; instigations; momentum; spur; stimilations; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill; whim
Antrieb instincts craving; drive; force; impulse; instigation; instinct; motor; natural drive; natural urge; propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; urge; urging
Antriebe instincts engines; exhortations; forces; grounds; incentives; incitements; inducements; motives; motors; propelling-forces; propulsions; stimulations
Impuls instincts boost; caprice; drive; impetus; impulse; incentive; incitement; instinct; intuition; momentum; spur; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill; whim
Instinkte instincts

Verwante woorden van "instincts":

instincts vorm van instinct:

instinct [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the instinct (intuition)
    Vorgefühl; die Ahnung; die Intuition; der Impuls; die Eingebung; der Instinkt; der Einfall
  2. the instinct (urge; drive; impulse)
    die Leidenschaft; der Antrieb; der Geschlechtstrieb; der Trieb; die Leidenschaftlichkeit
  3. the instinct (natural drive; natural urge)
    der Instinkt; der Antrieb
    • Instinkt [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Antrieb [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor instinct:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Ahnung instinct; intuition a spark of; hunch; notion; presentiment; presumption; supposition; suspicion
Antrieb drive; impulse; instinct; natural drive; natural urge; urge craving; drive; force; instigation; instincts; motor; propelling-force; propulsion; propulsive force; urging
Einfall instinct; intuition bust; caprice; idea; impulse; insight; invasion; notion; police raid; raid; thought; vision; whim
Eingebung instinct; intuition concept; conception; hunch; idea; insight; inspiration; notion; presentiment; presumption; supposition; thought; vision
Geschlechtstrieb drive; impulse; instinct; urge libido; sex drive; sex urge; sexual spurs
Impuls instinct; intuition boost; caprice; drive; impetus; impulse; incentive; incitement; instincts; momentum; spur; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill; whim
Instinkt instinct; intuition; natural drive; natural urge
Intuition instinct; intuition
Leidenschaft drive; impulse; instinct; urge amusement; ardor; ardour; craze; desire; fieriness; fire; frenzy; fun; heartiness; lust; obsession; passion; pleasure; rankness; sexual desire; urge; verve; zeal; zest
Leidenschaftlichkeit drive; impulse; instinct; urge bad temper; fervor; fervour; fierceness; fieriness; intensity; vehemence; violence
Trieb drive; impulse; instinct; urge amusement; cattle trail; cutting; driving cattle; fun; herding cattle; lust; passion; pleasure; sexual desire; shoot; sprig; sprout; tendril; tendrils
Vorgefühl instinct; intuition hunch; presentiment; presumption; presupposition; supposition; suspicion
- inherent aptitude
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- replete

Verwante woorden van "instinct":

Synoniemen voor "instinct":

Verwante definities voor "instinct":

  1. (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated1
    • words instinct with love1
  2. inborn pattern of behavior often responsive to specific stimuli1
    • the spawning instinct in salmon1
    • altruistic instincts in social animals1

Wiktionary: instinct

  1. a natural or inherent impulse or behaviour
  1. Psychologie/ Psychiatrie: inneres Verlangen; innerer Antrieb, die eigenen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen
  2. Zoologie, Tierpsychologie: Tieren angeborene, nicht gesteuerte Verhaltensweise in bestimmen Situationen
  3. Intuition, die Fähigkeit, bestimmte Dinge ohne viel Nachdenken richtig einzuschätzen

Cross Translation:
instinct Instinkt instinctmouvement intérieur qui est naturel aux animaux et qui les fait agir sans le secours de la réflexion pour accomplir des actes conformes à leur espèce et adapter à leurs besoins.