
Uitgebreide vertaling voor a kind manner (Engels) in het Duits

a kind manner:

a kind manner bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. a kind manner
    freundlich; wohlwollend; sympathisch; entgegenkommend; auf korrekte manire; herzlich; höflich; korrekt; zuvorkommend; liebenswürdig; zugetan; gütlich

Vertaal Matrix voor a kind manner:

WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
zugetan be faithful to; be loyal to
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
auf korrekte manire a kind manner
entgegenkommend a kind manner accommodating; affectionate; amicable; amicably; assistent; attentive; benevolent; calm; calmly; collected; complaisant; compliant; composed; cool; cooperative; cordial; equanimous; flexible; friendly; good-natured; hearty; helpful; kind; kindly; kneadable; malleable; mild; mouldable; obliging; peaceful; placid; plastic; pliable; pliant; quiet; quietly; ready; restful; serene; servient; silent; simple to operate; still; submissive; supple; tolerant; tractable; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; willing; workable; yielding
freundlich a kind manner affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; calm; calmly; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cooperative; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; equanimous; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; peaceful; placid; pleasant; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; sweet; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
gütlich a kind manner
herzlich a kind manner affectionate; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; blunt; calm; calmly; charitabel; charming; clement; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cordial; cordially; crude; deep; endearing; engaging; entrancing; equanimous; explicit; forgiving; frank; friendly; generous; good-natured; gracious; heart-felt; hearty; kind; kindly; lenient; liberal; likable; lovely; merciful; mild; munificent; nice; open-handed; openly; outspoken; overt; peaceful; placid; plain; profound; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; square; still; straight; straightforward; sweet; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; unsparing; warm; warm-hearted; wholehearted; winsome
höflich a kind manner chivalrous; civil; civilised; civilized; clean; considerate; cooperative; courteous; courtly; cultivated; cultured; decent; dignified; fair; honest; mannerly; neat; obliging; polite; proper; properly; reputable; respectable; virtuous; well-mannered; worthy
korrekt a kind manner accurate; accurately; blameless; careful; civil; civilised; civilized; conscientious; cooperative; correct; courteous; cultivated; cultured; decent; detailed; dressed; exact; exactly; exhaustive; fair; faultless; filmy; impeccable; in detail; just; meticulous; minutely; moderate; neat; painstaking; perfect; polite; precise; precisely; proper; punctual; reasonable; respectable; right; scrupulous; sporting; stringent
liebenswürdig a kind manner affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amiable; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; calm; calmly; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cool; cooperative; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; equanimous; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovable; lovely; mild; nice; peaceful; placid; pleasant; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; sweet; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
sympathisch a kind manner affectionate; agreeable; alluring; amicable; amicably; appealing; attractive; benevolent; calm; calmly; charming; collected; composed; congenial; cooperative; cordial; endearing; engaging; entrancing; fine; friendly; genial; good-natured; great; hearty; kind; kindly; likable; lovely; mild; nice; peaceful; placid; pleasant; quiet; quietly; restful; serene; silent; still; sweet; sympathetic; tranquil; unemotional; uneventful; warm; warm-hearted; winsome
wohlwollend a kind manner affectionate; amicable; amicably; benevolent; charitabel; clement; cooperative; cordial; forgiving; friendly; good-natured; gracious; hearty; kind; kind-hearted; kindly; lenient; merciful; mild; obliging; readiness; ready; sympathetic; warm; warm-hearted; willing; willingly
zugetan a kind manner affectionate; attached; benevolent; dedicated; devoted; obliging; sympathetic; well-disposed; willing
zuvorkommend a kind manner approachable; assistent; attentive; complaisant; cooperative; forward; graciously; helpful; obliging; pliable; pliant; responsive; servient; tractable; willing; willingly

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van a kind manner