
Uitgebreide vertaling voor fitter (Engels) in het Duits


to fit werkwoord (fits, fitted, fitting)

  1. to fit (fit in; match)
    passen; anprobieren
    • passen werkwoord (paße, paßest, paßt, paßte, paßtet, gepaßt)
    • anprobieren werkwoord (probiere an, probierst an, probiert an, probierte an, probiertet an, anprobiert)
  2. to fit (assemble; install; construct; )
    installieren; anlegen; einrichten; bauen
    • installieren werkwoord (installiere, installierst, installiert, installierte, installiertet, installiert)
    • anlegen werkwoord (lege an, legst an, legt an, legte an, legtet an, angelegt)
    • einrichten werkwoord (richte ein, richtest ein, richtet ein, richtete ein, richtetet ein, eingerichtet)
    • bauen werkwoord (baue, baust, baut, baute, bautet, gebaut)
  3. to fit (correspond to; match)
    übereinstimmen mit; vereinbaren; stimmen; zusammenstimmen; gleichen; gleichkommen
    • vereinbaren werkwoord (vereinbare, vereinbarst, vereinbart, vereinbarte, vereinbartet, vereinbart)
    • stimmen werkwoord (stimme, stimmst, stimmt, stimmte, stimmtet, gestimmt)
    • zusammenstimmen werkwoord (stimme zusammen, stimmst zusammen, stimmt zusammen, stimmte zusammen, stimmtet zusammen, zusammengestimmt)
    • gleichen werkwoord (gleiche, gleichst, gleicht, glich, glicht, geglichen)
    • gleichkommen werkwoord
  4. to fit (try on; try)
    anprobieren; probieren; ausprobieren
    • anprobieren werkwoord (probiere an, probierst an, probiert an, probierte an, probiertet an, anprobiert)
    • probieren werkwoord (probiere, probierst, probiert, probierte, probiertet, probiert)
    • ausprobieren werkwoord (probiere aus, probierst aus, probiert aus, probierte aus, probiertet aus, ausprobiert)

Conjugations for fit:

  1. fit
  2. fit
  3. fits
  4. fit
  5. fit
  6. fit
simple past
  1. fitted
  2. fitted
  3. fitted
  4. fitted
  5. fitted
  6. fitted
present perfect
  1. have fitted
  2. have fitted
  3. has fitted
  4. have fitted
  5. have fitted
  6. have fitted
past continuous
  1. was fitting
  2. were fitting
  3. was fitting
  4. were fitting
  5. were fitting
  6. were fitting
  1. shall fit
  2. will fit
  3. will fit
  4. shall fit
  5. will fit
  6. will fit
continuous present
  1. am fitting
  2. are fitting
  3. is fitting
  4. are fitting
  5. are fitting
  6. are fitting
  1. be fitted
  2. be fitted
  3. be fitted
  4. be fitted
  5. be fitted
  6. be fitted
  1. fit!
  2. let's fit!
  3. fitted
  4. fitting
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

fit bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. fit (healthy; in good health; thriving; well)
    gesund; fit; gutsituiert; blühend; gutgestellt; heil; wohlhabend; glühend; inbesterForm; finanzstark; springlebendig; wohlauf; heilsam; behäbig; hygienisch
  2. fit (proper; suitable; effective; efficient)
    geeignet; passend; entsprechend; adäquat; angemessen; gemessen
  3. fit (capable; qualified; competent; )
    fähig; befähig; kapabel; kompetent
  4. fit (capable for work; valid)
    arbeitstauglich; erwerbsfähig

fit [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the fit
    die Paßform; der Schnitt; der Sitz
    • Paßform [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Schnitt [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Sitz [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the fit (tantrum; temper)
    der Wutanfall
  3. the fit (convulsion; convulsive movement; spasm; labour pain)
    die Zuckung; Gliederzucken; die Zusammenziehung
  4. the fit
    – One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values. 1

Vertaal Matrix voor fit:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Gliederzucken convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm
Paßform fit
Schnitt fit assembling; average; bowls; clothes pattern; coiffure; consequence; coupe; coupes; cut; cutting surface; effect; film editing; gash; hair style; haircut; hairdo; hairstyle; incision; indentation; knife wound; montage; mounting; paper pattern; piece of bread; piecie; profile; section; slash; slice of bread; slit; style; wound
Sitz fit arm chair; base; bench; chair; easy chair; front bench; home; house; reclining chair; residence; seat; stool; work-bench
Wutanfall fit; tantrum; temper
Zuckung convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm
Zusammenziehung convulsion; convulsive movement; fit; labour pain; spasm contraction; labour pain; woe
- burst; conniption; convulsion; paroxysm; scene; tantrum
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anlegen assemble; construct; fit; instal; install; lay; place; set up anchor; come down; debark; disembark; dress; end up somewhere; fasten; fasten to a rope; fix; go ashore; invest; land; moor; put on; secure; tie up
anprobieren fit; fit in; match; try; try on adjust; fix; repair
ausprobieren fit; try; try on attempt; check; control; count again; endeavor; endeavour; examine; inspect; pretest; proof; put to the test; recount; strive; test; try; try out; try s.o.'s mettle; verify
bauen assemble; construct; fit; instal; install; lay; place; set up add; add new buildings; add on to; arrange; build; build out; build up; compose; construct; erect; establish; expand; extend; instal; install; lay bricks; raise; set up
einrichten assemble; construct; fit; instal; install; lay; place; set up arrange; furnish; instal; install; regulate; set up
gleichen correspond to; fit; match agree; be like; be the same; bear resemblance; bear resemblance to; conform to; correspond to; correspond with; equalise; equalize; look like; match; resemble; seem
gleichkommen correspond to; fit; match
installieren assemble; construct; fit; instal; install; lay; place; set up adjust; arrange; bring down; deposit; instal; install; lay; laydown; locate; place; post; put; put down; set; set down; set up; situate; station; take down
passen fit; fit in; match be accurate; be all right; be correct; be fit; be on; be right; be suitable; become; befit; count; count off; count out; like; pay with the exact money; suit; suit one's convenience
passend make fit precisely
probieren fit; try; try on attempt; check; endeavor; endeavour; examine; pretest; proof; put to the test; strive; test; try; try out; try s.o.'s mettle
stimmen correspond to; fit; match agree; be accurate; be correct; correspond to; match; vote
vereinbaren correspond to; fit; match agree; agree on; arrange; bring to a close; come to an end; concur; decide; end; finish; harmonise; harmonize; legally bind; sign up; stop; terminate; wind up
zusammenstimmen correspond to; fit; match
übereinstimmen mit correspond to; fit; match
- accommodate; agree; check; conform to; correspond; equip; fit out; gibe; go; jibe; match; meet; outfit; suit; tally
Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- primed; set
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Anpassung fit customization
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- adjust; cut to length; suit
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
adäquat effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable adequate
angemessen effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; becoming; befitting; civil; clean; considerably; decent; fair; fairly; fitting; honest; neat; pretty; proper; quite; rather; reasonably; relevant; reputable; respectable; right; suitable; virtuous; worthy
arbeitstauglich capable for work; fit; valid
befähig able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled
behäbig fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well broad; detailed; easy-going; elaborate; exhaustive; expansive; extensive; in detail; indolent; wide; widespread
blühend fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well blooming; booming; bright; cheerful; colorful; colourful; fighting fit; florid; flourishing; flowered; healthy; in good health; prospering; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
entsprechend effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable according to; as per; in accordance with; respectively
erwerbsfähig capable for work; fit; valid
finanzstark fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well financially strong; flourishing; healthy; in good health; moneyed; monied; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well provided with capital; well-of
fit fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well fighting fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
fähig able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; capable; clever; ingenious; keen; physically capable; proficient; skilful; skillful
geeignet effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; fitting; handy; relevant; right; suitable; useful
gemessen effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable measured
gesund fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well able-bodied; alive and kicking; auspicious; cured; fighting fit; flourishing; fortunate; healthy; in good health; propitious; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; successful; thriving; unharmed; well
glühend fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well ardent; blazing; burning; excited; exciting; fervent; fiery; flaming; flourishing; glowing; healthy; heated; horny; hot; impassioned; in good health; keen; lascivious; passionate; prosperous; randy; red-hot; smouldering; thriving; well
gutgestellt fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; thriving; well
gutsituiert fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well prosperous; well-off; well-to-do
heil fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well fresh; intact; unbroached; undamaged; unimpaired; unopened; untouched; unused
heilsam fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; thriving; well
hygienisch fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well clean; hygienic; neat; sanitary; tidy
inbesterForm fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; thriving; well
kapabel able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled
kompetent able; capable; competent; considerate; efficient; fit; good; proficient; qualified; skilled able; capable; competent; efficient; good
passend effective; efficient; fit; proper; suitable adequate; applicable; apposite; appropriate; apt; becoming; befitting; convenient; correct; exact; fair; fitting; measured; opportune; passable; proper; reasonable; relevant; right; suitable; tolerable
springlebendig fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well alive and kicking; fighting fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of
wohlauf fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well fighting fit; flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rosy cheeked; rosy cheeked & bushy tailed; thriving; well
wohlhabend fit; healthy; in good health; thriving; well flourishing; healthy; in good health; prosperous; rich; thriving; wealthy; well; well-of; well-off; well-to-do

Verwante woorden van "fit":

  • refit, fits, fittest

Synoniemen voor "fit":

Antoniemen van "fit":

Verwante definities voor "fit":

  1. physically and mentally sound or healthy2
    • felt relaxed and fit after their holiday2
    • keeps fit with diet and exercise2
  2. meeting adequate standards for a purpose2
    • a fit subject for discussion2
    • it is fit and proper that you be there2
    • water fit to drink2
    • fit for duty2
    • do as you see fit to2
  3. (usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed2
    • in no fit state to continue2
    • fit to drop2
    • laughing fit to burst2
    • she was fit to scream2
  4. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)2
    • a fit of housecleaning2
  5. the manner in which something fits2
    • I admired the fit of her coat2
  6. a sudden uncontrollable attack2
    • a fit of coughing2
  7. a display of bad temper2
    • he had a fit2
  8. insert or adjust several objects or people2
    • Can you fit the toy into the box?2
    • This man can't fit himself into our work environment2
  9. make fit2
    • fit a dress2
    • He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out2
  10. make correspond or harmonize2
  11. provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose2
  12. be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics2
  13. be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired2
    • This piece won't fit into the puzzle2
  14. satisfy a condition or restriction2
  15. be agreeable or acceptable to2
  16. conform to some shape or size2
    • How does this shirt fit?2
  17. One of the criteria used for evaluating the success of a data mining algorithm. Fit is typically represented as a value between 0 and 1, and is calculated by taking the covariance between the predicted and actual values of evaluated cases and dividing by the standard deviations of the same predicted and actual values.1

Wiktionary: fit

  1. sudden outburst of emotion
  2. sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom
  3. seizure
  4. degree to which something fits
  1. to have right size and cut, as of clothing
  2. to tailor
  3. to conform to in size and shape
  1. good-looking (female)
  1. angemessen sein, sich eignen, harmonieren
  1. bezogen auf bestimmte Anforderungen in guter Verfassung, gut vorbereitet
  2. Militärwesen, von Personen: wehrdiensttauglich; geeignet Wehrdienst zu leisten
  1. von Kleidung: von Größe oder Schnitt angemessen sein

Cross Translation:
fit passen passen — precies de goede maat zijn, erin kunnen
fit fit fit — in goede lichamelijke conditie
fit anprobieren aanpassen — aantrekken om te passen
fit Eingang; Eintritt; Anfall; Angriff; Offensive; Zugang; Zutritt accès — Action, endroit, ou facilité plus ou moins grande d’accéder dans un lieu, physique ou virtuel.
fit Schlag; Schlagfluß; Schlaganfall; Gehirnschlag; Apoplexie apoplexie — médecine|fr arrêt brusque, plus ou moins complet, des fonctions cérébrales, accompagner de la perte entier ou partielle de la connaissance et du mouvement.
fit Anfall; Angriff; Offensive assautattaque pour emporter de vif force une ville, une place de guerre, une position, etc.
fit Anfall; Angriff; Offensive attaque — propre|nocat=1 Action d'attaquer
fit anziehen; kleiden; ankleiden; bekleiden habiller — Mettre des habits à quelqu’un…
fit annehmen; akzeptieren; entgegennehmen; im Empfang nehmen; aufnehmen; auf sich nehmen; sich gefallen lassen; hinnehmen; eingehen auf; einwilligen in; anziehen; kleiden; ankleiden; bekleiden; beziehen; überziehen; antun; auflegen; anlegen; in Stuck arbeiten revêtirpourvoir de vêtements quelqu’un qui en a besoin.
fit anziehen; kleiden; ankleiden; bekleiden vêtirhabiller, couvrir d’un vêtement.


Vertaal Matrix voor fitter:

Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- healthier
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- engine fitter; erecting machinist; machine erector; machine setter; mechanic

Synoniemen voor "fitter":

Verwante definities voor "fitter":

  1. improved in health or physical condition2
  2. someone who fits a garment to a particular person2

Wiktionary: fitter

  1. Handwerker oder Industriearbeiter, der Metall ver- oder bearbeitet oder Metallgegenstände repariert oder instand hält

Verwante vertalingen van fitter