
Uitgebreide vertaling voor push (Engels) in het Duits


to push werkwoord (pushes, pushed, pushing)

  1. to push (shove)
    – make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby 1
    schieben; weiterschieben
  2. to push
    dringen; schieben
    • dringen werkwoord (dringe, dringst, dringt, drang, drangt, gedrungen)
    • schieben werkwoord (schiebe, schiebst, schiebt, schob, schobt, geschoben)
  3. to push (promote; advance; help)
    befördern; avancieren
    • befördern werkwoord (befördere, beförderst, befördert, beförderte, befördertet, befördert)
    • avancieren werkwoord (avanciere, avancierst, avanciert, avancierte, avanciertet, avanciert)
  4. to push (sell; handle; deal in; hawk; peddle)
    verkaufen; verhandeln; veräußern; vertreiben; handeln; feilbieten; auktionieren
    • verkaufen werkwoord (verkaufe, verkaufst, verkauft, verkaufte, verkauftet, verkauft)
    • verhandeln werkwoord (verhandele, verhandelst, verhandelt, verhandelte, verhandeltet, verhandelt)
    • veräußern werkwoord (veräußere, veräußerest, veräußeret, veräußerete, veräußeretet, veräußert)
    • vertreiben werkwoord (vertreibe, vertreibst, vertreibt, vertrieb, vertriebt, vertrieben)
    • handeln werkwoord (handle, handelst, handelt, handelte, handeltet, gehandelt)
    • feilbieten werkwoord (feilbiete, feilbietest, feilbietet, feilbot, feilbotet, feilgeboten)
    • auktionieren werkwoord (auktioniere, auktionierst, auktioniert, auktionierte, auktioniertet, auktioniert)
  5. to push (move)
    verschieben; verrücken; aufschieben
    • verschieben werkwoord (verschiebe, verschiebst, verschiebt, verschob, verschobt, verschoben)
    • verrücken werkwoord (verrücke, verrückst, verrückt, verrückte, verrücktet, verrückt)
    • aufschieben werkwoord (schiebe auf, schiebst auf, schiebt auf, schob auf, schobt auf, aufgeschoben)
  6. to push (give a push; push on)
    schieben; stoßen
    • schieben werkwoord (schiebe, schiebst, schiebt, schob, schobt, geschoben)
    • stoßen werkwoord (stoße, stößt, stieß, stießt, gestoßen)
  7. to push (thump; punch)
    stoßen; puffen; knuffen
    • stoßen werkwoord (stoße, stößt, stieß, stießt, gestoßen)
    • puffen werkwoord (puffe, puffst, pufft, puffte, pufftet, gepufft)
    • knuffen werkwoord
  8. to push
    – To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data. 2

Conjugations for push:

  1. push
  2. push
  3. pushes
  4. push
  5. push
  6. push
simple past
  1. pushed
  2. pushed
  3. pushed
  4. pushed
  5. pushed
  6. pushed
present perfect
  1. have pushed
  2. have pushed
  3. has pushed
  4. have pushed
  5. have pushed
  6. have pushed
past continuous
  1. was pushing
  2. were pushing
  3. was pushing
  4. were pushing
  5. were pushing
  6. were pushing
  1. shall push
  2. will push
  3. will push
  4. shall push
  5. will push
  6. will push
continuous present
  1. am pushing
  2. are pushing
  3. is pushing
  4. are pushing
  5. are pushing
  6. are pushing
  1. be pushed
  2. be pushed
  3. be pushed
  4. be pushed
  5. be pushed
  6. be pushed
  1. push!
  2. let's push!
  3. pushed
  4. pushing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

push [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the push (nudge; shove; thrust; )
    – the act of applying force in order to move something away 1
    der Stoß; der Schlag; der Puff; der Bums; der leichter Stoß; der Anstoß; der Anprall; der Zusammenstoß
    • Stoß [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Schlag [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Puff [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Bums [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • leichter Stoß [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Anstoß [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Anprall [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Zusammenstoß [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the push (button)
    der Knopf; der Drücker
    • Knopf [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Drücker [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. the push
    – The process of sending data to a network server. 2

Vertaal Matrix voor push:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Anprall blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust argument; conflict; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; quarrel; row
Anstoß blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust caprice; goal; impulse; incentive; incitement; initiative; start; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill; whim
Bums blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust bang; blast; blow; boom; bump; clout; crash; jab; nudge; punch; smack; thud; thump; wallop; whopper
Drücker button; push buds; buttons; cock; heads; hikers; knobs; strollers; trigger
Knopf button; push button; stud; switch
Puff blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust backgammon; blow; clout; jab; nudge; punch; slap; smack; wallop; whopper
Schlag blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust bellbottomed trouser leg; blow; bolt; bump; caretaker; clap of thunder; clout; doorkeeper; flare; flash of lightning; hall porter; jab; janitor; knock; loose-fitting leg; nudge; pigeon house; punch; slap; smack; species; streak; thud; thump; thunderbolt; wallop; whopper
Stoß blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust accumulation; argument; bang; blow; boot; bump; bumping into; colliding with; conflict; crashing into; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; heap; kick; kicking; load; pile; piling up; quarrel; row; shake; slap; swim stroke; thud; thump
Zusammenstoß blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust argument; bumping into; colliding with; collision; conflict; crash; crashing into; difference of opinion; disagreement; discord; dispute; hit; quarrel; row; smash
leichter Stoß blow; buffer; bump; bumper; jab; nudge; punch; push; shove; thrust
- button; energy; get-up-and-go; push button; pushing; thrust
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
aufschieben move; push brood over; defer; delay; deter; doubt; drag out; hesitate; linger; postpone; push open; put off; retard; slacken; slow down; tarry; temporise; temporize; waver
auktionieren deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell auction; sell by auction
avancieren advance; help; promote; push advance; go ahead; promote
befördern advance; help; promote; push advance; carry; communicate; go ahead; promote; transport
dringen push force
feilbieten deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell display; peddle
handeln deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell accomplish; achieve; achieve something; act; agitate; bargain; carry on a business; deal; deal with; do; function; haggle; mediate; negociate; negotiate; peddle; perform; succeed; trade
knuffen punch; push; thump
mithilfe von Push übertragen push
puffen punch; push; thump
schieben give a push; push; push on; shove achieve; achieve something; cart; chanter; dig; function; grouse; growl; grumble; jab; perform; poke; prod; rumble; snarl; succeed; trade on the side; trundle; wheel
stoßen give a push; punch; push; push on; thump bang into; bump into; bump up against; collide; crash; dig; jab; kick; kick hard; lead straight; nudge; poke; prod; push to; shake; step; tremble
verhandeln deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell deliberate on
verkaufen deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell peddle; sell
verrücken move; push convert; dislocate; move; move over; reduce; relocate; remove; resolve; shift; simplify; trace back; transfer; transform
verschieben move; push convert; dislocate; move; move over; postpone; put off; reduce; relocate; remove; resolve; shift; simplify; trace back; transfer; transform; translate
vertreiben deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell dispel; disperse; expel; oust; remove
veräußern deal in; handle; hawk; peddle; push; sell
weiterschieben push; shove
- advertise; advertize; agitate; bear on; campaign; crowd; crusade; drive; fight; force; labor; labour; press; promote; tug
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Push push
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Anprall impact
- crowd; energy; enterprise; jostle; press; shove

Verwante woorden van "push":

Synoniemen voor "push":

Antoniemen van "push":

Verwante definities voor "push":

  1. the act of applying force in order to move something away1
    • he gave the door a hard push1
  2. an effort to advance1
    • the army made a push toward the sea1
  3. an electrical switch operated by pressing1
    • the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk1
  4. enterprising or ambitious drive1
  5. the force used in pushing1
    • the push of the water on the walls of the tank1
  6. press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action1
    • He pushed her to finish her doctorate1
  7. make publicity for; try to sell (a product)1
    • The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model1
  8. make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby1
    • `Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman1
  9. move with force,1
    • He pushed the table into a corner1
  10. press against forcefully without moving1
    • she pushed against the wall with all her strength1
  11. move strenuously and with effort1
    • The crowd pushed forward1
  12. approach a certain age or speed1
    • She is pushing fifty1
  13. sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs)1
    • The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs1
  14. strive and make an effort to reach a goal1
    • We have to push a little to make the deadline!1
  15. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for1
    • The liberal party pushed for reforms1
    • The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate1
  16. To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data.2
  17. The process of sending data to a network server.2
  18. To add a new element to a stack, a data structure generally used to temporarily hold pieces of data being transferred or the partial result of an arithmetic operation.2

Wiktionary: push

  1. transitive: apply a force to (an object) so that it moves away
  2. continually attempt to persuade (a person)
  3. intransitive: apply force to an object so that it moves away
  4. intransitive: tense the muscles of the abdomen
  5. try to skip positions in a queue
  1. short, directed application of force; act of pushing
  1. einen Gegenstand durch mechanischen Druck bewegen
  2. Hilfsverb haben: die Position eines Gegenstandes verändern, ohne ihn hochzuheben
  3. (transitiv) umgangssprachlich, salopp: grob, (absichtlich) mit Ellbogen, Arm, Oberkörper oder einem Fahrzeug stoßen
  4. nach vorne gerichtet eine Kraft ausüben; Druck erzeugen
  5. jemanden an einen Ort bewegen, ohne dass er es will
  6. (umgangssprachlich) sich durch Drücken und Schieben in einer Menschenmenge nach vorne bewegen
  7. leicht anstoßen
  1. ruckartige Bewegung, mit der ein Gegenstand einen anderen Gegenstand trifft

Cross Translation:
push stoßen stoten — met een korte snelle beweging (weg)duwen
push stoßen duwen — door druk uit te oefenen doen voortbewegen
push Stoß; Schubs duw — een zet, een stoot
push andrücken aanduwen — vaster duwen
push andrücken aandrukken — vaster drukken
push drücken; betätigen appuyer — Pousser, exercer une pression sur quelque chose.
push dringen; rücken; stoßen; treiben; anfeuern; jagen; vor sich hertreiben pousser — Faire pression contre quelqu’un ou contre quelque chose, pour le déplacer ou l’ôter de sa place.
push Stoß; Drängen; Drängeln poussée — Action de pousser. (Sens général)

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van push


Uitgebreide vertaling voor push (Duits) in het Engels



  1. Push
    the push
    – The process of sending data to a network server. 2
    • push [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor Push:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
push Push Anprall; Anstoß; Bums; Drücker; Knopf; Puff; Schlag; Stoß; Zusammenstoß; leichter Stoß
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
push aufschieben; auktionieren; avancieren; befördern; dringen; feilbieten; handeln; knuffen; mithilfe von Push übertragen; puffen; schieben; stoßen; verhandeln; verkaufen; verrücken; verschieben; vertreiben; veräußern; weiterschieben

Computer vertaling door derden: