
Uitgebreide vertaling voor noticeable (Engels) in het Duits


noticeable bijvoeglijk naamwoord

  1. noticeable (tangible; recognizable; visible; )
    wahrnehmbar; erkennbar; bemerkbar

Vertaal Matrix voor noticeable:

Bijvoeglijk NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- detectable; obtrusive
BijwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
bemerkbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible
erkennbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible as clear as plain day-light; as plain as day; bright; clarifying; clear; clear as daylight; clear-cut; cooked; distinct; done; evident; flagrant; in flagrante delicto; in sight; knowable; luminous; manifest; obvious; perceptible; recognisable; recognizable; red-handed; transparent; unambiguous; visible
wahrnehmbar audible; discernible; identifiable; noticeable; palpable; perceptible; phenomenal; recognisable; recognizable; tangible; visible

Verwante woorden van "noticeable":

Synoniemen voor "noticeable":

Antoniemen van "noticeable":

Verwante definities voor "noticeable":

  1. capable or worthy of being perceived1
    • noticeable shadows under her eyes1
    • noticeable for its vivid historical background1
    • a noticeable lack of friendliness1
  2. undesirably noticeable1
  3. capable of being detected1
    • after a noticeable pause the lecturer continued1
  4. readily noticed1
    • a noticeable resemblance1

Wiktionary: noticeable

  1. capable of being seen or noticed
  2. worthy of note; significant

Cross Translation:
noticeable bemerkbar apercevable — Qui peut être aperçu.

noticeable vorm van notice:

to notice werkwoord (notices, noticed, noticing)

  1. to notice (behold; see; perceive; become aware of; see in)
    sehen; gucken; anschauen; schauen; ansehen; betrachten; wahrnehmen
    • sehen werkwoord (sehe, siehst, sieht, sah, saht, gesehen)
    • gucken werkwoord (gucke, guckst, guckt, guckte, gucktet, geguckt)
    • anschauen werkwoord (schaue an, schaust an, schaut an, schaute an, schautet an, angeschaut)
    • schauen werkwoord (schaue, schaust, schaut, schaute, schautet, geschaut)
    • ansehen werkwoord (sehe an, siehst an, sieht an, sah an, saht an, angesehen)
    • betrachten werkwoord (betrachte, betrachtest, betrachtet, betrachtete, betrachtetet, betrachtet)
    • wahrnehmen werkwoord (nehme wahr, nimmst wahr, nimmt wahr, nahmt war, wahrgenommen)
  2. to notice (signal; observe)
    bemerken; wahrnehmen; merken; signalisieren; feststellen; spüren
    • bemerken werkwoord (bemerke, bemerkst, bemerkt, bemerkte, bemerktet, bemerkt)
    • wahrnehmen werkwoord (nehme wahr, nimmst wahr, nimmt wahr, nahmt war, wahrgenommen)
    • merken werkwoord (merke, merkst, merkt, merkte, merktet, gemerkt)
    • signalisieren werkwoord (signalisiere, signalisierst, signalisiert, signalisierte, signalisiertet, signalisiert)
    • feststellen werkwoord (stelle fest, stellst fest, stellt fest, stellte fest, stelltet fest, festgestellt)
    • spüren werkwoord (spüre, spürst, spürt, spürte, spürtet, gespürt)
  3. to notice (sense; see; feel; perceive; observe)
    fühlen; sehen; spüren; beobachten; merken; bemerken; wahrnehmen; erkennen; feststellen; entdecken
    • fühlen werkwoord (fühle, fühlst, fühlt, fühlte, fühltet, gefühlt)
    • sehen werkwoord (sehe, siehst, sieht, sah, saht, gesehen)
    • spüren werkwoord (spüre, spürst, spürt, spürte, spürtet, gespürt)
    • beobachten werkwoord (beobachte, beobachtest, beobachtet, beobachtete, beobachtetet, beobachtet)
    • merken werkwoord (merke, merkst, merkt, merkte, merktet, gemerkt)
    • bemerken werkwoord (bemerke, bemerkst, bemerkt, bemerkte, bemerktet, bemerkt)
    • wahrnehmen werkwoord (nehme wahr, nimmst wahr, nimmt wahr, nahmt war, wahrgenommen)
    • erkennen werkwoord (erkenne, erkennst, erkennt, erkannte, erkanntet, erkannt)
    • feststellen werkwoord (stelle fest, stellst fest, stellt fest, stellte fest, stelltet fest, festgestellt)
    • entdecken werkwoord (entdecke, entdeckst, entdeckt, entdeckte, entdecktet, entdeckt)
  4. to notice (confirm; certify; authenticate; )
    bestaetigen; beglaubigen; bescheinigen; signalisieren
    • bestaetigen werkwoord
    • beglaubigen werkwoord (beglaubige, beglaubigst, beglaubigt, beglaubigte, beglaubigtet, beglaubigt)
    • bescheinigen werkwoord (bescheinige, bescheinigst, bescheinigt, bescheinigte, bescheinigtet, bescheinigt)
    • signalisieren werkwoord (signalisiere, signalisierst, signalisiert, signalisierte, signalisiertet, signalisiert)
  5. to notice
    bemerken; wahrnehmen; merken; spüren
    • bemerken werkwoord (bemerke, bemerkst, bemerkt, bemerkte, bemerktet, bemerkt)
    • wahrnehmen werkwoord (nehme wahr, nimmst wahr, nimmt wahr, nahmt war, wahrgenommen)
    • merken werkwoord (merke, merkst, merkt, merkte, merktet, gemerkt)
    • spüren werkwoord (spüre, spürst, spürt, spürte, spürtet, gespürt)
  6. to notice (become aware of; perceive; see; sense; find)
    bemerken; zu sehen bekommen; feststellen; wahrnehmen; erkennen
    • bemerken werkwoord (bemerke, bemerkst, bemerkt, bemerkte, bemerktet, bemerkt)
    • zu sehen bekommen werkwoord
    • feststellen werkwoord (stelle fest, stellst fest, stellt fest, stellte fest, stelltet fest, festgestellt)
    • wahrnehmen werkwoord (nehme wahr, nimmst wahr, nimmt wahr, nahmt war, wahrgenommen)
    • erkennen werkwoord (erkenne, erkennst, erkennt, erkannte, erkanntet, erkannt)
  7. to notice (keep apart; perceive; become aware of; )
    unterscheiden; auseinanderhalten
    • unterscheiden werkwoord (unterscheide, unterscheidest, unterscheidet, unterschied, unterschiedet, unterschieden)
    • auseinanderhalten werkwoord (halte auseinander, hältst auseinander, hält auseinander, hielt auseinander, hieltet auseinander, auseinandergehalten)

Conjugations for notice:

  1. notice
  2. notice
  3. notices
  4. notice
  5. notice
  6. notice
simple past
  1. noticed
  2. noticed
  3. noticed
  4. noticed
  5. noticed
  6. noticed
present perfect
  1. have noticed
  2. have noticed
  3. has noticed
  4. have noticed
  5. have noticed
  6. have noticed
past continuous
  1. was noticing
  2. were noticing
  3. was noticing
  4. were noticing
  5. were noticing
  6. were noticing
  1. shall notice
  2. will notice
  3. will notice
  4. shall notice
  5. will notice
  6. will notice
continuous present
  1. am noticing
  2. are noticing
  3. is noticing
  4. are noticing
  5. are noticing
  6. are noticing
  1. be noticed
  2. be noticed
  3. be noticed
  4. be noticed
  5. be noticed
  6. be noticed
  1. notice!
  2. let's notice!
  3. noticed
  4. noticing
1. I, 2. you, 3. he/she/it, 4. we, 5. you, 6. they

notice [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the notice (clarification; explanation; elucidation; )
    die Erklärung; die Verdeutlichung; die Erläuterung; die Aufklärung; die Information; die Auskunft; die Auslegung; die Instruktion; die Aussage; die Darlegung; die Nachricht; der Aufschluß; die Erörterung; die Begründung; die Mitteilung; die Deutung; die Aussprache; die Bekanntgabe; die Interpretation; die Bekanntmachung
  2. the notice (announcement; proclamation)
    die Ankündigung; die Verkündigung; die Bekanntmachung; die Kundgebung
  3. the notice (information; notification; announcement)
    die Information; die Benachrichtigung; die Bekanntmachung; die Bekanntgabe
  4. the notice (attraction)
    Aufsehen; die Attraktion
  5. the notice (notice to end the lease agreement)
    die Mietskündigung
  6. the notice (dismissal)
    der Abschied; die Diensentlassung
  7. the notice
    – A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices. 2
    der Hinweis
    • Hinweis [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor notice:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Abschied dismissal; notice farewell; good-bye; parting
Ankündigung announcement; notice; proclamation advertisement; announcement; declaration; proclamation; publication
Attraktion attraction; notice attraction; draw
Aufklärung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Aufschluß clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice decisive answer; definite answer; dilatation; disclosure; opening
Aufsehen attraction; notice
Auskunft clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice clarification; clearing; decisive answer; definite answer; enlightenment; explanation; information; information agency; information bureau; information desk; informing
Auslegung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice decisive answer; definite answer; interpretation
Aussage clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; decisive answer; definite answer; notification; statement
Aussprache clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; articulation; cathedral; chat; conversation; debate; discussion; enunciation; judgement; notification; pronunciation; statement; sustenance; talk; verdict
Begründung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice cause; first layer; foundation; motive; priming coat; undercoat
Bekanntgabe announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice; notification announcement; declaration; disclosure; expression; message; notification; piece of news; proclamation; promulgation; publication; publicity; report; statement; utterance
Bekanntmachung announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice; notification; proclamation acquaintance; announcement; declaration; decree; disclosure; getting acquainted with; message; notification; piece of news; proclamation; promulgation; publication; publicity; report; statement; subpoena; summons
Benachrichtigung announcement; information; notice; notification alert; announcement; announcements; information; informing; notification; report
Darlegung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; concert; elucidation; interpretation; notification; recital; statement
Deutung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice elucidation; explanation; interpretation; reading; version
Diensentlassung dismissal; notice
Erklärung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; decisive answer; definite answer; elucidation; explanation; expression; interpretation; notification; reading; statement; utterance; version
Erläuterung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice better picture; closer description; decisive answer; definite answer; depiction; interpretation; picture; portrayal
Erörterung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice analysis; book review; criticism; critique; debate; difference of opinion; discussion; dispute; elucidation; interpretation; quarrel; review; row; twist
Hinweis notice allusion; clue; cue; evidence; hint; indication; innuendo; lead; note; omen; pointer; reference; sign; starting point; suggestion; symptom; tip; tip-off
Information announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice; notification Informational; announcement; announcements; clarification; clearing; data; enlightenment; explanation; expression; information; informing; notification; report; statement; utterance
Instruktion clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice assignment; command; cue; instruction; motto; order; parole; shibboleth
Interpretation clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice decisive answer; definite answer; interpretation
Kundgebung announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; campaign; declaration; demonstration; manifestation; proclamation; protest; public protest; publication; rally
Mietskündigung notice; notice to end the lease agreement
Mitteilung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; clarification; clearing; declaration; disclosure; enlightenment; enunciation; explanation; expression; information; message; notification; piece of news; proclamation; pronunciation; publication; publicity; report; statement; utterance
Nachricht clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice announcement; clarification; clearing; document; e-mail message; enlightenment; explanation; information; intelligence; journal; magazine; message; monthly; monthly magazine; news; news bulletin; news item; news report; periodical; piece of news; report; tidings; weekly
Verdeutlichung clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; notice
Verkündigung announcement; notice; proclamation announcement; declaration; proclamation; publication
- bill; card; notification; observance; observation; placard; poster; posting
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
anschauen become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in cast an eye on; examine; get lost; glance; glance at; inspect; keep an eye on; look; look at; look on; observe; see; see over; see round; spectate; view; visit; watch
ansehen become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in cast an eye on; examine; get lost; glance; glance at; inspect; keep an eye on; look; look at; look on; monitor; observe; see; see over; see round; spectate; view; visit; watch
auseinanderhalten become aware of; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; sense decorate; discern; distinguish; distinguish from each other; keep apart
beglaubigen assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; ratify; signal; uphold affix; attach; attach to; bear out; confirm; connect; fasten; ratify; seal; secure; support; uphold; validate
bemerken become aware of; feel; find; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal attend; blab; blame; chat; chatter; have a conversation; narrate; observe; pay heed to; perceive; rattle; rebuke; relate; reprimand; speak; take notice of; talk; tell; witness
beobachten feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense attend; eye; keep an eye on; look at; look on; monitor; observe; peer; perceive; see; spectate; view; watch; witness
bescheinigen assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; ratify; signal; uphold
bestaetigen assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; ratify; signal; uphold
betrachten become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in cast an eye on; consider; examine; get lost; glance; glance at; have in mind; inspect; intend; look; look at; look on; look over; nominate; observe; plan; propose; regard; see; see over; see round; survey; take on; think it over; think out; view; visit; watch
entdecken feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense admit; attend; detect; disclose; discover; learn; observe; perceive; reveal; spot; witness
erkennen become aware of; feel; find; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense be on to; comprehend; contain; decorate; discern; distinguish from each other; get; get to know; grasp; hold; realise; realize; rumble to; see through; understand
feststellen become aware of; feel; find; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal affirm; ascertain; assert; attend; check; check out; contend; demonstrate; determine; encounter; establish; experience; feel; go through again; identify; investigate; observe; perceive; trace; witness
fühlen feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense anticipate; be in sympathy with; bear; conceive; endure; feel; feel empathy for; finger; grope; imagine; intend; sense; stand; sustain; sympathise; sympathize; think; touch
gucken become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in be amazed; be astonished; be surprised; consider; glance at; have in mind; look at; look up; look upwards; nominate; observe; peer; view; watch
merken feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal anticipate; brand; encounter; experience; feel; get wind of; mark; mark with a cross; scent; sense
schauen become aware of; behold; notice; perceive; see; see in examine; glance at; inspect; look; look at; look on; monitor; observe; see; see over; see round; view; visit; watch
sehen become aware of; behold; feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; sense attend; examine; glance at; inspect; look at; look on; monitor; observe; perceive; see; see over; see round; view; visit; watch; witness
signalisieren assent; authenticate; certify; confirm; notice; observe; ratify; signal; uphold draw attention to; indicate; point; point out; show; signal
spüren feel; notice; observe; perceive; see; sense; signal anticipate; find out; inquire; investigate; research; search for; sense; sniff around
unterscheiden become aware of; find; hold apart; keep apart; notice; perceive; see; sense decorate; discern; distinguish; distinguish from each other; keep apart; knight
wahrnehmen become aware of; behold; feel; find; notice; observe; perceive; see; see in; sense; signal anticipate; attend; encounter; experience; feel; glance at; look at; observe; perceive; see; sense; spectate; view; watch; witness
zu sehen bekommen become aware of; find; notice; perceive; see; sense
- acknowledge; comment; detect; discover; find; mark; note; observe; point out; remark
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Ankündigung Announcement
Erklärung Explain text
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- advice; consider; discover; observe; pay attention to; period of notice

Verwante woorden van "notice":

Synoniemen voor "notice":

Antoniemen van "notice":

Verwante definities voor "notice":

  1. the act of noticing or paying attention1
    • he escaped the notice of the police1
  2. polite or favorable attention1
    • his hard work soon attracted the teacher's notice1
  3. a short critical review1
    • the play received good notices1
  4. an announcement containing information about an event1
    • you didn't give me enough notice1
    • an obituary notice1
  5. a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement1
  6. a request for payment1
  7. advance notification (usually written) of the intention to withdraw from an arrangement of contract1
    • we received a notice to vacate the premises1
    • he gave notice two months before he moved1
  8. make or write a comment on1
  9. express recognition of the presence or existence of, or acquaintance with1
  10. notice or perceive1
  11. discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of1
  12. A privacy principle that requires reasonable disclosure to a consumer of an entity's personally identifiable information (PII) collection and use practices. This disclosure information is typically conveyed in a privacy notice or privacy policy. Notice is addressed in Fair Information Practices.2

Wiktionary: notice

  1. to detect
  2. to observe
  1. written or printed announcement
  2. formal notification or warning
  1. etwas feststellen, wahrnehmen
  2. etwas mit den Sinnen wahrnehmen
  3. etwas behaupten, mitteilen
  4. transitiv: etwas nebenbei und beiläufig aussprechen, zur Sprache bringen
  5. Etwas wahrnehmen und dabei als wichtig einstufen
  6. jemandem oder etwas Aufmerksamkeit schenken
  7. unpersönlich („es fällt auf“): von außen ins Bewusstsein gelangen
  1. Recht: einseitige, in die Zukunft wirkende Beendigung eines Vertragsverhältnisses
  2. süddeutsch, österreichisch, schweizerisch: öffentliche Bekanntgabe von bestimmten Informationen gegenüber einer ordnungsgemäßen Sache
  3. Äußerung zu einem Thema
  4. öffentliche Mitteilung
  1. (transitiv) merken, spüren, erkennen, mit den Sinnen erfassen, bemerken

Cross Translation:
notice merken; bemerken; erblicken; gewahr werden apercevoir — Remarquer une chose qui avait échappé d’abord.
notice Bekanntmachung; Mitteilung; Benachrichtigung; Bescheid avis — Communication publique, avertissement, annonce.
notice auffassen; perzipieren; wahrnehmen percevoir — Traductions à trier suivant le sens
notice bemerken; feststellen; aufmerksam remarquer — Observer quelque chose... (Sens général)
notice bemerken; auffallen; hervorheben remarquer — Distinguer parmi plusieurs autres personnes ou...
notice auffallen remarquer — En mauvaise part
notice Auskunft; Bekanntmachung; Avis; Benachrichtigung; Ankündigung; Meldung; Bericht; Bescheid renseignementindice qui nous aider à connaître certaines choses ou qui nous éclairer sur une personne.

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