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  1. Version:
  2. Wiktionary:
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  1. version:
  2. verse:
  3. Wiktionary:


Uitgebreide vertaling voor Version (Duits) in het Engels


Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. die Version (Lesung)
    the version; the reading
    • version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • reading [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. die Version (Ausgabe; Folge; Fassung)
    the edition; the issue; the delivery
    • edition [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • issue [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • delivery [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  3. die Version
    the release
    – A build promoted for use or deployment. A release can be internal and used for further testing or external and released or deployed. 1
    • release [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  4. die Version
    the version
    – A numeric or other designation appended to a product name to identify a particular release. 1
    • version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. die Version
    the version
    – Metadata that identifies a change made to an item in a replica. It consists of the replica key and the replica tick count for the item. 1
    • version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. die Version
    the version
    – The status of an item in source control that reflects one or more changes from a previous form. The greater the version number, the more recent the version. 1
    • version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. die Version
    the version
    – A property that is used to differentiate objects stored in the cache using the same key. Windows Server AppFabric stores the version information using the DataCacheItemVersion class. Every time an object is added or updated in the cache, the version value changes. Versioning is used to maintain data consistency. Optimistic concurrency is achieved by using versioning as opposed to locks. 1
    • version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor Version:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
delivery Ausgabe; Fassung; Folge; Version Abgabe; Ablieferung; Anerbieten; Aufgabe; Ausgabe; Auslieferung; Beförderung; Besorgung; Bestellung; Deklamation; Einlieferung; Einschickung; Einsendung; Entbindung; Geburt; Liefern; Lieferung; Referat; Sendung; Versand; Versandung; Versendung; Vorschlag; Vortrag; Vortragsweise; Zustellung; Überreichung
edition Ausgabe; Fassung; Folge; Version Auflage; Ausgabe; Bearbeitung; Druck; Edition
issue Ausgabe; Fassung; Folge; Version Abgang; Angelegenheit; Ausgabe; Ausstoß; Distribution; Emission; Emmision; Erteilung; Fall; Frage; Herausgabe; Problem; Sache; Streitfrage
reading Lesung; Version Ablesen; Anschauung; Ansicht; Ansichtsweise; Bibellesung; Denkweise; Deutung; Erklärung; Glaubenslehre; Lektüre; Lesefutter; Lesen; Verlesung; Vorlesung; erklärende Auslegung
release Version Amnestie; Auslauf; Auslaß; Auslaßventil; Auspuff; Auspuffrohr; Befreiung; Entbindung; Entlassen; Erlösung; Flammrohr; Freilassung; Freimachung; Freisetzung; Geburt; Glückseligkeit; Haftentlassung; Loslassen; Niederkunft; Rettung; Schalldämpfer; Seligkeit
version Lesung; Version Anschauung; Ansicht; Ansichtsweise; Denkweise; Deutung; Erklärung; Glaubenslehre; erklärende Auslegung
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
issue ausgeben; ausstellen; bekanntgeben; bekanntmachen; veröffentlichen
release Freigabe; abkoppeln; ablehnen; abschieben; abweisen; aufbinden; aufhaken; aufknoten; aufknöpfen; aufknüpfen; auflassen; auflösen; aufmachen; befreien; beim publikum einführen; entbinden; entfesseln; entfliehen; entheben; entknoten; entkommen; entkoppeln; entlassen; entrinnen; enträtseln; entschlüpfen; entsetzen; entweichen; entwirren; entwischen; erlösen; feuern; fliehen; flüchten; freigeben; freilassen; freimachen; lancieren; locker machen; lockern; losbekommen; loskriegen; loslösen; losmachen; lösen; sich befreien; sich von einer Last; steigenlassen; suspendieren; trennen; unterbrechen; verabschieden; veröffentlichen; von Belagerern befreien; zurückweisen
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
issue herauskommen; herausströmen

Synoniemen voor "Version":

Wiktionary: Version

  1. eine von mehreren Möglichkeiten
  1. software: distribution of a computer software product
  2. a specific form or variation of something

Cross Translation:
Version version versie — een specifieke vorm of variant van een uitgave
Version version versiontraduction d’une langue étrangère vers la langue maternelle du traducteur (par opposition à thème).

Computer vertaling door derden:


Uitgebreide vertaling voor Version (Engels) in het Duits


version [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the version (reading)
    die Version; die Lesung
    • Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Lesung [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the version (way of thinking; perspective; point of view; )
    die Ansicht; die Denkweise; die Anschauung; die Ansichtsweise
  3. the version (religious doctrine; tenet; dogma; reading)
    die Glaubenslehre
  4. the version (interpretation; explanation; elucidation; reading)
    die Erklärung; die Deutung; die erklärende Auslegung
  5. the version
    – A numeric or other designation appended to a product name to identify a particular release. 1
    die Version
    • Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  6. the version
    – Metadata that identifies a change made to an item in a replica. It consists of the replica key and the replica tick count for the item. 1
    die Version
    • Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  7. the version
    – The status of an item in source control that reflects one or more changes from a previous form. The greater the version number, the more recent the version. 1
    die Version
    • Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  8. the version
    – A property that is used to differentiate objects stored in the cache using the same key. Windows Server AppFabric stores the version information using the DataCacheItemVersion class. Every time an object is added or updated in the cache, the version value changes. Versioning is used to maintain data consistency. Optimistic concurrency is achieved by using versioning as opposed to locks. 1
    die Version
    • Version [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor version:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Anschauung angle; aspect; attitude; conception; idea; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking apperception; conviction; creed; detection; disposition; idea; inclination; notion; observation; opinion; perception; view; vision
Ansicht angle; aspect; attitude; conception; idea; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking View; allure; appearance; apperception; concept; conception; conviction; creed; detection; discernment; disposition; idea; inclination; insight; judgement; looks; notion; observation; opinion; panorama; perception; picture postcard; sight; view; vision; way of looking
Ansichtsweise angle; aspect; attitude; conception; idea; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking
Denkweise angle; aspect; attitude; conception; idea; interpretation; notion; opinion; outlook; perspective; point of view; reading; stand; version; view; vision; way of thinking concept; conception; conviction; creed; disposition; idea; image; inclination; insight; notion; opinion; range of ideas; realm of thought; thought; view; vision; way of thinking
Deutung elucidation; explanation; interpretation; reading; version clarification; clearing; communication; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; information; interpretation; notice
Erklärung elucidation; explanation; interpretation; reading; version announcement; clarification; clearing; communication; decisive answer; definite answer; elucidation; enlightenment; explaining; explanation; expression; information; interpretation; notice; notification; statement; utterance
Glaubenslehre dogma; reading; religious doctrine; tenet; version dogmatics
Lesung reading; version account; address; commentary; report; speech
Version reading; version delivery; edition; issue; release
erklärende Auslegung elucidation; explanation; interpretation; reading; version
- adaptation; edition; interlingual rendition; interpretation; reading; rendering; translation; variant; variation
Not SpecifiedVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Erklärung Explain text
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- draft; wording

Verwante woorden van "version":

Synoniemen voor "version":

Verwante definities voor "version":

  1. manual turning of a fetus in the uterus (usually to aid delivery)2
  2. something a little different from others of the same type2
    • an experimental version of the night fighter2
  3. a mental representation of the meaning or significance of something2
  4. a written work (as a novel) that has been recast in a new form2
  5. a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first language2
  6. an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint2
    • his version of the fight was different from mine2
  7. A numeric or other designation appended to a product name to identify a particular release.1
  8. Metadata that identifies a change made to an item in a replica. It consists of the replica key and the replica tick count for the item.1
  9. The status of an item in source control that reflects one or more changes from a previous form. The greater the version number, the more recent the version.1
  10. A property that is used to differentiate objects stored in the cache using the same key. Windows Server AppFabric stores the version information using the DataCacheItemVersion class. Every time an object is added or updated in the cache, the version value changes. Versioning is used to maintain data consistency. Optimistic concurrency is achieved by using versioning as opposed to locks.1

Wiktionary: version

  1. a specific form or variation of something
  1. eine von mehreren Möglichkeiten
  2. Auslegung, Sinngebung, Deutung, Fassung, Variante, Version einer Textstelle
  3. der aktuell gültige Text eines Gesetzes

Cross Translation:
version Version versie — een specifieke vorm of variant van een uitgave
version Version versiontraduction d’une langue étrangère vers la langue maternelle du traducteur (par opposition à thème).

Version vorm van verse:

verse [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the verse (poem; poetry)
    Gedicht; der Vers
    • Gedicht [das ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Vers [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the verse (stanza; couplet)
    die Strophe; der Vers
    • Strophe [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Vers [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor verse:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Gedicht poem; poetry; verse
Strophe couplet; stanza; verse line of poetry; stanza; strophe
Vers couplet; poem; poetry; stanza; verse line of poetry
- poesy; poetry; rhyme; verse line
WerkwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- poetise; poetize; versify

Verwante woorden van "verse":

Synoniemen voor "verse":

Verwante definities voor "verse":

  1. a piece of poetry2
  2. a line of metrical text2
  3. literature in metrical form2
  4. familiarize through thorough study or experience2
    • She versed herself in Roman archeology2
  5. compose verses or put into verse2

Wiktionary: verse

  1. poetic form with regular meter and a fixed rhyme scheme
  2. one of several similar units of a song, consisting of several lines, generally rhymed
  1. umgangssprachlich: Strophe eines Gedichts
  2. Poesie: metrisch-rhythmisch geformte Zeile eines Gedichts
  3. ein Vers aus der Bibel; kleinste Texteinheit, entspricht ungefähr einem Satz, innerhalb eines Kapitels fortlaufend durchgezählt

Cross Translation:
verse Strophe; Vers vers — couplet
verse Vers vers — dichtregel
verse Gedicht vers — gedicht

Computer vertaling door derden: