
Uitgebreide vertaling voor Trial (Engels) in het Duits


trial [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the trial (lawsuit; proceedings; legal suit; case)
    – (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law 1
    der Prozeß; Verfahren; der Rechtsfall; Gerichtsverfahren; Rechtsverfahren
  2. the trial (interrogation; hearing; questioning; examination)
    Verhör; die Befragung; die Vernehmung; Interview
  3. the trial
    die Aburteilung
  4. the trial (testing; ordeal)
    die Erprobung; die Prüfung; die Probe; der Test
    • Erprobung [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Prüfung [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Probe [die ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
    • Test [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  5. the trial (temptation; vexation; allurement; )
    die Verleitung; die Verlockung; die Verführung; die Eroberung; die Prüfung; die Erprobung; Experiment

Vertaal Matrix voor trial:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Aburteilung trial adjudication; condemning; judgement; judging; sentencing
Befragung examination; hearing; interrogation; questioning; trial examination; hearing; interview; investigation; survey
Eroberung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; trial; vexation occupation; taking possession
Erprobung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; testing; trial; vexation exam; examination; preliminary examination; prelims; test; testing
Experiment affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; trial; vexation experiment; test; try
Gerichtsverfahren case; lawsuit; legal suit; proceedings; trial judicial proceedings; procedure; proceedings
Interview examination; hearing; interrogation; questioning; trial interview
Probe ordeal; testing; trial audition; example; foretaste; model; probation; sample; specimen; taste
Prozeß case; lawsuit; legal suit; proceedings; trial judicial proceeding; litigation
Prüfung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; testing; trial; vexation A levels; O levels; atonement; audition; computer-test; crucial test; exam; examination; exploration; final exam; finals; inspection; investigation; leaving exam; ordeal; penance; preliminary examination; prelims; prospecting; test; testing; trial by fire; trial by ordeal; validation
Rechtsfall case; lawsuit; legal suit; proceedings; trial
Rechtsverfahren case; lawsuit; legal suit; proceedings; trial persecution; procedure; proceedings; prosecution
Test ordeal; testing; trial A levels; O levels; audition; computer-test; exam; examination; experiment; final exam; finals; leaving exam; preliminary examination; prelims; probe; test; try
Verfahren case; lawsuit; legal suit; proceedings; trial manufacturing process; method; method of working; mode of operation; operation procedure; persecution; procedure; proceedings; prosecution; routine; system; working method
Verführung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; trial; vexation appeal; attractiveness; charm; ecstasy; enchantment; enticement; exaltation; fascination; rapture; splendidness
Verhör examination; hearing; interrogation; questioning; trial examination; hearing; interview; investigation; survey
Verleitung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; trial; vexation ecstasy; exaltation; rapture
Verlockung affliction; allurement; charm; conquest; enticement; fascination; inroad; lure; ordeal; temptation; trial; vexation appeal; attractiveness; ecstasy; exaltation; rapture
Vernehmung examination; hearing; interrogation; questioning; trial examination; hearing; interview; investigation; survey
- run; test; trial run; tribulation; tryout; visitation

Verwante woorden van "trial":

Synoniemen voor "trial":

Verwante definities voor "trial":

  1. the act of testing something1
    • in the experimental trials the amount of carbon was measured separately1
    • he called each flip of the coin a new trial1
  2. the act of undergoing testing1
    • candidates must compete in a trial of skill1
  3. (law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law1
    • he had a fair trial and the jury found him guilty1
    • most of these complaints are settled before they go to trial1
  4. trying something to find out about it1
    • a sample for ten days free trial1
    • a trial of progesterone failed to relieve the pain1
  5. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event1
    • his mother-in-law's visits were a great trial for him1
  6. (sports) a preliminary competition to determine qualifications1
    • the trials for the semifinals began yesterday1

Wiktionary: trial

  1. chance to test something out
  2. appearance at judicial court
  3. difficult experience
  1. pertaining to a language form referring to three of something
  1. Recht: Verfahren, Prozess
  2. Linguistik, Flexion: Numerus, der eine Dreizahl bezeichnet
  3. Geschicklichkeitsprüfung für Motorradfahrer
  4. eine große, anhaltende Anstrengung
  5. Recht: die Erörterung einer Angelegenheit oder eines Sachverhalts zu einem bestimmten gerichtlichen Termin vor Gericht
  6. Test, welcher bestätigen soll, ob etwas tatsächlich so funktioniert, wie es funktionieren soll
  1. Technik: durch einen Versuch Sicherheit darüber gewinnen, ob ein technischer Apparat oder ein Vorgang innerhalb der geplanten Rahmenbedingungen funktioniert oder nicht

Cross Translation:
trial Gram; Kummer; Betrübnis; Herzeleid; Niedergeschlagenheit affliction — État d’abattement produit par un évènement malheureux.
trial Gram; Kummer; Betrübnis; Herzeleid; Niedergeschlagenheit crève-cœur — (familier, fr) Grand déplaisir, grande douleur mêlée de dépit.
trial Probe; Prüfung; Experiment; Versuch essai — test
trial Prozeß procès — instance devant un juge

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