
Uitgebreide vertaling voor Relief (Duits) in het Engels


Relief [das ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. Relief
    the relief; the alto-relievo
  2. Relief
    the emboss
    – An effect applied to a graphical object to give the object the appearance of height or depth. 1
    • emboss [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

Vertaal Matrix voor Relief:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
alto-relievo Relief
emboss Relief
relief Relief Abzug; Ausspannung; Auszahlung; Befreiung; Beistand; Beruhigung; Dienst; Dienstleistung; Entbindung; Entsatz; Entspannung; Erholung; Erleichterung; Erlösung; Ermunterung; Ermutigung; Familienfürsorge; Familienhilfe; Freilassung; Freimachung; Fürsorge; Geburt; Haftentlassung; Handreichung; Herabsetzung; Hilfe; Hilfe leisten; Hilfeleistung; Linderung; Milderung; Mithilfe; Niederkunft; Reduktion; Reduzierung; Rettung; Service; Sozialhilfe; Sozialhilferegelung; Stütze; Unterstützung; Zerstreuung; Zuspruch

Wiktionary: Relief

  1. Kunst: Werk der Bildhauerkunst, bei dem die plastisch vorstrebende Darstellung fest aus dem tragenden Grundmaterial herauswächst
  2. Kartografie: plastische maßstabsgetreue Nachbildung der Oberflächenformen der Erde in Gips, Holz oder anderen geeigneten Materialien
  3. Geografie: die Formen der Erdoberfläche
  1. type of artwork
  2. difference of elevations on a surface

Cross Translation:
Relief relief reliëf — het uitsteken of uitkomen boven iets anders (het releveren)
Relief panel panneau — Planche préparée pour y peindre un tableau.
Relief relief; topography relief — Élévation d’une géographie

Computer vertaling door derden:


Uitgebreide vertaling voor Relief (Engels) in het Duits


relief [the ~] zelfstandig naamwoord

  1. the relief (alto-relievo)
    • Relief [das ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  2. the relief
    die Erleichterung; die Linderung; die Milderung
  3. the relief (breathe more freely)
    die Erleichterung
  4. the relief (social security; payment; welfare; dole)
    die Sozialhilfe; die Auszahlung
  5. the relief (aid; assistance; helpfulness; help)
    die Sozialhilfe; die Unterstützung; die Dienstleistung; die Hilfeleistung; die Hilfe; die Fürsorge; die Mithilfe; die Handreichung; die Sozialhilferegelung; die Familienhilfe; der Dienst; der Service; der Beistand; die Familienfürsorge
  6. the relief (liberation; rescue; release)
    die Befreiung; die Rettung; die Erlösung; die Niederkunft; die Haftentlassung; die Geburt; die Entbindung; die Freilassung; die Freimachung
  7. the relief (deduction; rebate; allowance)
    die Reduzierung; der Abzug; die Reduktion; die Herabsetzung
  8. the relief (appeasing; appeasement; soothing; )
    die Entspannung; die Zerstreuung; die Erholung; die Beruhigung; die Ausspannung
  9. the relief (rescue)
    der Entsatz
    • Entsatz [der ~] zelfstandig naamwoord
  10. the relief (assistance; support; welfare; social security)
    die Unterstützung; der Beistand
  11. the relief (aid; assistance)
    Hilfe leisten
  12. the relief (comfort; encouragement; consolation)
    die Ermutigung; die Zuspruch; die Ermunterung
  13. the relief (social security; welfare; social assistance; )
    die Unterstützung; der Beistand; die Stütze; die Fürsorge; die Sozialhilfe; die Familienhilfe

Vertaal Matrix voor relief:

Zelfstandig NaamwoordVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
Abzug allowance; deduction; rebate; relief cock; cut; discount; offprint; overprint; price reduction; print; print-out; reduction; retreat; subtraction; trigger
Ausspannung allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; soothing; steadying allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; break; café; calming; calming down; intermission; interval; pacifying; pause; pub; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Auszahlung dole; payment; relief; social security; welfare payment; social security
Befreiung liberation; release; relief; rescue
Beistand aid; assistance; benefit; dole; help; helpfulness; relief; social assistance; social security; support; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; allowance; assistance; dole; help; helpfulness; social assistance; social security; social work; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; welfare work
Beruhigung allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; soothing; steadying allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relieve; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Dienst aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief Mass; aid; assistance; boon; corvée; fatigue duty; favor; favour; forced labour; goodwill; grace; help; mass; patronage; service; statute labour; support; vassal service; worship
Dienstleistung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief aid; assistance; help; provision of services; service; services; support
Entbindung liberation; release; relief; rescue birth; childbirth; confinement; delivery
Entsatz relief; rescue
Entspannung allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; soothing; steadying allaying; appeasement; appeasing; benefit; break; calming; calming down; derivative; diversion; diversionary tactic; intermission; interval; pacifying; pause; quieting; recess; red herring; relaxation; relieve; rest-break; social assistance; social security; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Erholung allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; soothing; steadying break; day off; floating day; furlough; intermission; interval; leave; pause; recess; recreation; rest-break; sabbatical; study leave; vacation
Erleichterung breathe more freely; relief allaying; alleviation; appeasement; appeasing; assuagement; benefit; calming; calming down; comfort; facilitation; pacifying; quieting; relieve; simplification; social assistance; social security; solace; soothing; steadying; unemployment benefit; welfare
Erlösung liberation; release; relief; rescue
Ermunterung comfort; consolation; encouragement; relief cheer; consolation; encouragement; impulse; incitement; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill
Ermutigung comfort; consolation; encouragement; relief cheer; consolation; encouragement; impulse; incitement; instigation; stimulant; stimulation; stimulus; thrill
Familienfürsorge aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief home help
Familienhilfe aid; assistance; benefit; dole; help; helpfulness; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; assistance; dole; help; social assistance; support; unemployment benefit; welfare
Freilassung liberation; release; relief; rescue discharge; dismissal; liberation; manumission; release
Freimachung liberation; release; relief; rescue
Fürsorge aid; assistance; benefit; dole; help; helpfulness; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; assistance; care; concern; dole; help; maintenance; nursing; provision; service; social assistance; social care; social security; supplementary benefit; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; worry
Geburt liberation; release; relief; rescue birth; childbirth; confinement; delivery
Haftentlassung liberation; release; relief; rescue discharge; dismissal; liberation; manumission; release
Handreichung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief concession
Herabsetzung allowance; deduction; rebate; relief belittlement; cut; deduction; degradation; demotion; discount; disgracement; dishonering; disrating; drop in prices; fall; pay cut; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; salary cut; sell short; softness; weakness
Hilfe aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief Help; aid; anchor; assistance; assistant; bystander; charwoman; cleaning-person; clerk; crutch; footman; hand; help; helper; mainstay; online help; second servant; social assistance; social security; social work; support; valet; welfare work
Hilfe leisten aid; assistance; relief
Hilfeleistung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief aid; assistance; concession; help; provision of services; services; social assistance; social work; support; welfare work
Linderung relief alleviation; assuagement; solace
Milderung relief alleviation; assuagement
Mithilfe aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief co-operation; social work; welfare work
Niederkunft liberation; release; relief; rescue
Reduktion allowance; deduction; rebate; relief cut; decrease; deduction; deflation; discount; drop in price; drop in prices; fall; fall in price; price cut; price reduction; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness
Reduzierung allowance; deduction; rebate; relief cut; deduction; deflation; discount; drop in price; drop in prices; fall; fall in price; price cut; price reduction; price-cut; rebate; recession; reduction; sell short; softness; weakness
Relief alto-relievo; relief emboss
Rettung liberation; release; relief; rescue preservation of life; self preservation; staying alive
Service aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief aid; assistance; help; service; serving; support
Sozialhilfe aid; assistance; benefit; dole; help; helpfulness; payment; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare assistance; dole; helpfulness; social assistance; social security; supplementary benefit; unemployment benefit; welfare
Sozialhilferegelung aid; assistance; help; helpfulness; relief social security; supplementary benefit
Stütze benefit; dole; relief; social assistance; social security; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; anchor; assistance; book end; buttress; crutch; help; mainstay; outlet; prop; shore; social assistance; support
Unterstützung aid; assistance; benefit; dole; help; helpfulness; relief; social assistance; social security; support; unemployment benefit; welfare aid; allowance; anchor; assistance; back support; crutch; dole; help; helpfulness; mainstay; social assistance; social security; social work; support; unemployment benefit; welfare; welfare work
Zerstreuung allaying; appeasement; appeasing; calming; calming down; pacifying; quieting; relaxation; relief; soothing; steadying derivative; diversion; diversionary tactic; red herring
Zuspruch comfort; consolation; encouragement; relief cheer; consolation; encouragement
- alleviation; assuagement; backup; backup man; ease; easement; easing; embossment; fill-in; ministration; moderation; reliever; relievo; respite; rest; rest period; rilievo; sculptural relief; stand-in; substitute; succor; succour
OverVerwante vertalingenAndere vertalingen
- replacement; substitute; succor; succour

Verwante woorden van "relief":

  • reliefs

Synoniemen voor "relief":

Verwante definities voor "relief":

  1. the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance)2
    • he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain2
  2. the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged2
    • he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta2
  3. aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped2
    • he has been on relief for many years2
  4. assistance in time of difficulty2
    • the contributions provided some relief for the victims2
  5. sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background2
  6. a change for the better2
  7. the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced2
    • as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief2
  8. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)2
  9. (law) redress awarded by a court2
    • was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?2
  10. the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)2
    • he enjoyed his relief from responsibility2
  11. a pause for relaxation2

Wiktionary: relief

  1. removal of stress or discomfort
  2. person who takes over a shift
  3. humanitarian aid or assistance
  4. type of artwork
  5. difference of elevations on a surface
  1. Kunst: Werk der Bildhauerkunst, bei dem die plastisch vorstrebende Darstellung fest aus dem tragenden Grundmaterial herauswächst
  2. Kartografie: plastische maßstabsgetreue Nachbildung der Oberflächenformen der Erde in Gips, Holz oder anderen geeigneten Materialien
  3. Geografie: die Formen der Erdoberfläche
  4. Befreiung von etwas

Cross Translation:
relief Relief reliëf — het uitsteken of uitkomen boven iets anders (het releveren)
relief Erleichterung opluchting — het gevoel bevrijd te zijn van iets dat dreigde
relief Relief relief — Élévation d’une géographie
relief Lehnware relief — Jurisprudence féodale
relief Atempause; Aufschub répitrelâche, délai, action de surseoir.
relief Linderung; Erleichterung soulagementdiminution de mal, de douleur, adoucissement d’une peine de corps ou d’esprit.

Computer vertaling door derden:

Verwante vertalingen van Relief